This is one of the things I miss most about renting an apartment…
If I have garbage, I take it to the dumpsters and toss it in. No need to worry about which day is garbage day. Now that I have my own house and we’re not allowed to put the garbage out before 6 am on the day of, I have to remember the night before to pull the garbage bin out so I can put it at the front of the garage so that it’s easy to take out in the morning as my garage is too small to move the bin around my vehicle.
I mean sometimes in my neighborhood they’re picking up at 4:30 AM so obviously this wouldn’t work here, but it seems like that gives you a really narrow window in which to get the trash out.
Although two towns over they’re not allowed to put their trash out at the curb AT ALL. The city pays the garbage company extra to have the trash collectors walk up the driveway and drag the bins down to the street, dump them, and then bring them back to the house. The residents don’t want to look at someone else’s trash cans… might offend delicate sensibilities.
I wonder how much extra this service costs. I would not think that was a good use of my tax dollars.
And of course these are the multi-million dollar homes out in the suburbs, so some of the driveways are quite long.
There was an article in the LA Times about ex-Californians moving to Idaho and surprised that they had to haul their garbage to the dump, cuz lower taxes.
Our city’s pretty windy, that’s why all our bins have straps to strap the lids shut. The bin may blow down the street overnight (they usually don’t, but a couple times a year they do…), but at least all the contents will still be inside if properly strapped.
Straps don’t work well with automated bin collection. People used to use fishing nets to keep everything in one place or had various types of corrals to keep garbage cans constrained.
I have always viewed this thread as being about any country for which “the shoe fits”. It was easy to criticize the UK initially but the US now warrants some attention!
I think you need to take a step back and look at Trump and his behavior in a more objective way.
The only reason you don’t seem to really care is that you are a white (male) middle-aged Actuary, who skews conservative and can laugh at things from the sidelines.
Thats an easy position to take.
Please keep in mind that not everybody will be as lucky as you are.