Anyone on Trump Social yet?

Yes its free

Whatā€™s the 4.99 thing? I thought there was some subscription Trump thing. Irregardful, not even for free when it makes Android.

Itā€™s an account started by someone who wanted to poke fun at Nunes, and itā€™s quite active on Twitter. Nunes has tried to sue the (anonymous) person behind the account.

are my bad puns that obtuse?

because it was a bad pun I was supposed to ignore any other semantic content? I did notice the pun, but thought youā€™d just worded your question that way to include a pun. My bad.

They are udder nonsense.

rules are, that even with a serious answer, you need to acknowledge the pun or even better build upon if with another bad pun

By ignoring it, she is trying to discourage you from doing so. Mom 101.

So, you need to work harder at it, until you get her attention. Child 101.

Yā€™all are getting way too worked up here. Isnā€™t the point of this thread right now to just hang out and chew the cud while we wait to get access to Trumpā€™s bullshit?

two for the price of one

Personally, I want to join to see what Trumpā€™s beef is with the current administration.

you people are actually going to join trumpā€™s social media site thus enabling him?

iā€™m not planning to join it.

now you are horning in on my pun, stop milking it, just go hide,

In all seriousness, no.

While I am perversely curious about its content, I get worked up by some of the absurdities within the Trumpist mindset, and Iā€™m under medical orders to minimize stress.

If I somehow fell into that venue, Iā€™d have to quickly hoof it out of there to protect my health.

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Iā€™m curious to see how he steers the conversation, but guessing he just winds up being the laughing stock in all of this since he butchers everything he touches. On second thought, thatā€™s a moo point, Iā€™m not signing up for this platform.

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Iā€™m just going along with the herd.

Iā€™m just going to look at the screenshots that end up being posted to Twitter.

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Yeah, except Reddit for me, I donā€™t really Tweet. Iā€™m sure I will see plenty enough of the highlights, or maybe lowlights.

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Jimmy screwed that joke up. Itā€™s supposed to go ā€œā€¦ may have to rename it to Eric.ā€

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