Anyone interesting in playing Codenames?

Pick me for SpyMaster!!

Full disclosure: I’ve only ever played Disney Codenames, and I’ve only ever played with the pictures. Should be interesting playing with non-themed words.

I thought you just wanted to heckle. Do you want to play?

If anyone has preferences for teammates, positive or negative, you can DM me. Otherwise I’ll be randomly splitting up players later today. I might possibly spread the self-declared more experienced players around.

Heckle, heckle, heckle!

seems like a variant of Taboo, but like, more complicated.

40 more minutes to sign up, or give me preferences, and then I’m going to assign teams and roles.

I’ve never played Taboo, but the play of this game is pretty simple. I think you’d enjoy it.

@John.S.Mill Codenames is very simple, it’s actually my “introductory” game for non-board-gamers. It can be a little confusing until you’ve done 1 round. The most complicated rule is the “clue number+1” allowance for guesses and that is also simple after you’ve seen it once.

@Lucy Have at, we can always add people.

I’ve only played Codenames, Codenames Duet, Codenames Disney, and Codenames Harry Potter.

But with that limited experience I still would like to throw my hat in the ring for HeckleMaster.

okay I’ll play. I’ll just need someone to tell me exactly what to do since I’m too lazy to read rules

okay, adding you to team blue…

I think you’ll catch on by watching. Your team-mates can tell you what’s legal to do.

I’ve started the game. Go forth and find your spies.

You said what I was thinking.