Anti transgender legislative tracker

The article I read said the compromise was to have a panel for a case by case basis. I cannot imagine having to go in front of such a panel is good for one’s mental health. And if the panel rules you can’t play with your gender…

Oh, I didn’t realize that one was still on the table when it was pointed out how creepy having adults examine minor’s genitals would be.

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Indiana legislature passed a trans sports ban last minute, but the governor vetoed it after the legislature adjourned, so it will not pass.

Louisiana says “We see Florida and will go even farther”

Can’t this be turned around and used against straight teachers?

If a male teacher even mentions his wife or girlfriend, that’s discussing sexual orientation, no?


It seems that way, yes.


I’d be curious what the GOP response is/was to this rebuttal, seems too obvious to miss

I mean arguably mentioning your significant other isn’t discussing your orientation, although it’s certainly implied, I’m assuming would be argued?

The trouble to me seems health class, although does Louisiana do health class? Who knows. The FL bill went to 3rd grade so sexual health isn’t a big issue, but to 8th is problematic. Alas, LA problems.

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Yeah. Even when I was in 8th grade I had already been looking at porn and masturbating for well over 2 years, and definitely knew I was gay.

Kids today probably know much more with smart phones and internet and all. 8th grade is just laughable.

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or even further, if they are silent on it but work in the same building as their spouse.

no sexual orientation discussion - how can you have any sexual health curriculum without orientation?

it is a race to be dumber while being meaner.

(Someone had probably already posted this, so sorry if i am repeating.) There is what the bill says, and there is how it will be experienced.

The wording of the bill implies “equal”, if absurd, treatment of all families. How do we not talk about gender? How do we react if a 2nd grader tells a story about her two moms?

Remember it’s enforced by parents suing the school district. And by policies that will try to prevent those law suits. Presumably this will lead to a very unequal experience. The little girl who asks about her moms may be told by a nervous teacher that this her family is a topic that cannot be discussed in class.

Yeah I think sexual health class started for me around 6-7th grade for … obvious reasons

I’m just wondering if these unfortunate bills do get implemented, if the LGBT parents can revenge sue the cis straight ones.

I hope so, if the cost of doing so is borne by the state that implements these ridiculous laws vs the actual school district that’s affected.

I think that everybody has to sue the school districts.

So some parent has to be willing to sue over a teacher talking about different-sex parents or something.

And then what is “appropriate to the age level” mean? Is that a different standard for same sex vs opposite sex vs trans? I don’t think anybody knows how all that plays out. I certainly don’t.

Alabama passed a felony health care law that will forcibly de-transition trans youth – akin to murdering many of them.

They also passed a bathroom bill, and now Ohio has it’s own version of “dont say gay/trans”. It’s a dark, dark time right now.

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I don’t see this one, yet. It’s not exactly legislation, but it fits the theme of this thread. Apparently, the state of Florida mailed the contents of this link to every physician in Florida:

It says, in part:

Due to the lack of conclusive evidence, and the potential for long-term, irreversible effects, the Department’s guidelines are as follows:

These guidelines do not apply to procedures or treatments for children or adolescents born with a genetically or biochemically verifiable disorder of sex development (DSD). These disorders include, but are not limited to, 46, XX DSD; 46, XY DSD; sex chromosome DSDs; XX or XY sex reversal; and ovotesticular disorder.

I wonder how much teeth those recommendations have.

For example, are they purely informational. Or do physicians expose themselves to charges of ethics violations if they do not follow them.

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I just got a flyer for the upcoming provincial.election. Amongst their platforms, they’re promising to stop woke education, including critical race theory and gender identity. And then the bonus of increasing funding to private schools (read, religious schools (read Christian schools)).
Thankfully won’t nobody here gonna put up with that nonsense.