Another Asian female attacked by

We don’t hunt for witches anymore because we got rid of them after the 18th century.

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Wait what. I thought cops shoot black people because of racism, just like how black people are poor because of racism, because the white people associate them with criminality. They see black they think criminal, so cops think black people are criminals and shoot them. That’s why black lives matter and not any other colors, because only black people experience racism.
If you go on the streets and ask people what black lives matter is about, they will say kind of the same thing I say. In fact, this is the idea I got from everybody, news, media, and even black people I talked to.
If you ask black people why cops shoot them, I’m sure they will say because cops are racist.
Even if racism doesn’t drive 100% of shooting, it still is a factor. but I think because cops are racist.
I personally met more bad cops( they were dicks, abusing their power, profiling and lying, threatening) then good cops( the good cops actually treated me like a human and do their job well), so I totally see where the anger and the reasons behind defund the police.
I could have stood up for myself against those bad cops, but they would arrest me and charge me and deport me back to China. Now I’m mad thinking about those encounters.
Of course it’s hard to label these attacks on asian as racially motivated because of cops like this. Why would they care about asians.

Cops usually shoot people because they are scared, and they are holding a gun.

Does racism make them more scared of Black men? Yes. But most of the time it’s cops doing a rotten job, not cops being evil.

And I think you are entirely missing the point of “black lives matter”. It’s not “only black lives matter”, it’s “black lives matter too”.

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I could respond to much of this post, but I’ve got better things to do - but this remark merits a response:

I’m sure Latinos, Asians, Native Americans and anyone who doesn’t “look like a white person” will all be relieved to find out they no longer experience racism, because they’re not black.


This one is absurd, and could have been prevented if they held him… especially because there are three open cases on him already, one of them involving assault.

Yikes, that is a person who should not have been free to walk the streets.
