Another Asian female attacked by

even on the street if a bus is approaching, i look back for anyone suspicious

I fully support black lives matter and I want that movement to continue to grow so that hate crimes against asians stop appearing for good.
Repost because Mod misunderstood the first post.
also can’t use the word woman because of the error title has been used

Why don’t you go ahead and clarify the part that is missing from this title, and others you’ve posted with a similar theme?

I think my bad english confuses you.
the word by in the title is to address who the word attacked applies to. Without the word by, the title means that the asian woman attacked somebody, with the word by, it means the asian woman is victim of an attack.
Similar to I get by. By addresses I receiving the get status.

And what does BLM have to do with it?

This isn’t correct. By including the word “by” with nothing after you are creating a lot of confusion. “Asian woman attacked” means she was attacked by someone. “Asian woman attacks” would mean she attacked someone else.

If you can’t use a thread title because it’s identical to one already created (recently), perhaps that’s a good time to consider whether you should post in that thread rather than create multiple threads on the same topic.

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speaking of which, i just moved the new posts to the existing thread. One thread seems like the right number for this.

By the way, your thread was hidden by community moderation – a couple of posters objected to the new thread. In general, it’s a bad idea to re-do something that gets moderated, however. Better to discuss the issue with the mods - your original version could have been restored and moved here.

At least, the part where you are concerned about Asian women being attacked is certainly appropriate. The part where you relate it to Black Lives Matter might or might not be, it’s unclear what your point was there.

I believe the phrasing you’re looking for is “Another Asian was attacked”

FTR, doing such in a very short time period (less than 1 month, for example) will generally be viewed as trolling with appropriate consequences to follow.

Sorry I don’t understand this.
You are saying. Asian woman attacked = she is the victim. Asian woman attacks = she is the attacker. but isn’t attacked the past tense of attack? Like if the attack happens yesterday, then she attacked? right?

Yes, attacked it the past tense of attack. VA gives the unambiguous idiomatic use – “Asian woman was attacked” can only mean one thing.

Racism is why black lives matter right? so that’s why? if no racism then no black lives matter. Like we don’t fight against racism if we don’t have racism. black lives matter is here because of racism. do you understand the point?

Thanks for the help with the language. Sorry I didn’t know there are consequences to me if there are many news post about the same topic in less than 1 month. I will save them up and post them every 2 or 3 months? or you tell me how long I should wait before posting news like this.

Or just post them in the existing thread you already created for that purpose

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You can make new posts, especially if new news articles pop up. But please put them in this thread, unless there’s something really different about a new one. We don’t want a whole lot of very similar threads being created. That’s why the software warned you there was already a thread with the same name.

Sometimes, that’s annoying. I’m on another board where someone couldn’t create a thread titled “please recommend a computer printer for me” because there was a ten year old thread of the same name. It’s pretty obvious that the old thread is not relevant to what you want to buy today. But in this case, the software did exactly what it was supposed to – it pointed you towards the best place to post the new article.

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Creating a new thread for each one is the issue; not making multiple posts in relevant thread(s).

BLM’s origin is rooted in calling out and ending the high incidence of police killing black people vs. police killing white people. [Examples and comparisons of this omitted; Puppy Bowl XVIII is on in about 2 hours.] The fight to end racism was going on before/after the BLM movement started, but it was not called BLM. It really didn’t have a name per se. Thus,

  • black lives matter is here because of racism is not correct - it’s explicitly here for the reason pointed out above, though I can split hairs and see an argument about why it might be correct [see comments below]
  • racism is why black lives matter is absolutely not correct as I think you’re intending it to mean [see comments below].

The incidence of police killing black people at significantly higher rates isn’t racist in and of itself. How much of that is rooted in racism is still up to debate. Is it likely that racism drove some of the incidents? Absolutely, we’ve got examples of this. Did it drive 100% of them? No, cops are generally just as lousy at assessing risk as the average person - they just have the benefit of qualified immunity to fall back on when they make mistakes, so “shoot first, ask questions later” is a perfectly acceptable approach for them.


  • if no racism then no black lives matter is incorrect, because police would likely still be killing black people [and white people, and other people] in situations they didn’t have to, without racist overtones dictating actions.
  • we don’t fight against racism if we don’t have racism is more or less a tautology. This might as well be “if we don’t have poverty, we’re not fighting to end poverty” or “if we don’t have rabies, we’re not fighting to end rabies” - it’s a self-evident statement.
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