Annoyed Thoughts

It’s CANADA geese, not CANADIAN geese.


Its a gaggle of Canada Geese.

Unless it is from Canada. Then it would be a Canadian Canada goose.


Skunk in the backyard and the cat got a little too close. Don’t think she was actually sprayed directly, but she definitely caught some of it. Got out of bed after being mostly asleep to give her a de-stink bath.

Drenched cats are super cute, though.



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15 yrs ago i had that day. long rumored, to the extent that the in-house detectives snooped outlook calendars and heard that many big-shots were going to be in our office on, say, thursday AM. I was IM-ing with a colleague in another office about it going down, that there were folks w boxes at the 1st floor elevator on the way to their cars. then my phone rang and it was the HR person and I IM’d “gotta go. I’m out.” reply said “talk soon” and I said “nope. HR is calling. I’m on the way out. good luck!”

and that was that. in the near term, it 10000% sucked. severance was lousy and it was v bad for me. was a rough 6 months.

hope you are treated better and land as quickly as you want!

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The cat decided I needed to wake up a little after 6 this morning. That’s not typical behavior for her.

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Keep your cat off social media. She’s adjusting her schedule to avoid the predators she’s been hearing about.


I’m trying to do my online Excel course and it freezes. Dunno if it’s Udemy or the sbux wifi. :roll_eyes:

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I keep getting texts to respond to a poll to vote for Harris, which I delete. :roll_eyes: to this one:
Yes I’m voting for Harris but I’m not clicking on unsolicited texts.


I’m making a special tea for mesself!! COME DRINK WIT ME, NEPHEEEEEWWWWW!!!

I’m at the stupid gym on the stupid elliptical but I think there’s a drink on my future tonight.

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Frustrating dealing with a partner who has issues with “wasting” something.

“We don’t like that. Just throw it away.”

“But maybe someone else would.”

“It’s a hassle to figure out someone else who’d want it. Just throw it away.”

“It’s wasteful. Maybe we could use it up anyway.”

“We’re not poor. Just throw it away.”

“But it’s wasteful.”


Have you picked your sleeping side of the couch yet?

Now I’m getting hassled about throwing away the bread heels.

“But I ate the heel adjacent slice.”

Apparently that wasn’t impressive enough.

If you toast them, they taste good with Vegemite and butter. Maybe even tomatoes and pepper if you have no idea what Vegemite is.

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i block numbers and still keep getting them

I freeze off random bits of bread and then toast them for meat loaf bread crumbs. :woman_shrugging:

Heels, bread that’s gotten stale but not moldy, that one hot dog bun because hot dogs are 7 to a pack and buns are 8 to a pack…

(Not Nathan’s, but most other brands)

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She also commented about several microcephalic characters in Ratatouille so she’s been on a streak today.

or we know what vegemite is, and choose not to