Annoyed Thoughts

And that, my friends, is why I don’t Airbnb. Homie ain’t hotelling inside some rando strangers house. No thank you.

We either go to an actual hotel (my spouse has a favourite chain) or id we are doing that kind of vaca, we do an actual BnB where we know what to expect.

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Oh, I did respond.

Maybe I should have mulled it over longer and I don’t love getting nasty online for no reason, but I noted a few things, such as the fact that we ran their baking tray through the dishwasher and were gone before it left, so we expected it would be clean for them, and when I messaged them to apologize for the two glasses they told me, “no problem”.

I’m going to leave it, no longer worth the time to be annoyed.

They also had, among other weird parts of the house, things like whole, frozen fish in their packed-full freezer and fridge. Which wasn’t exactly bad, just weird AF.


I don’t find whole fish weird - I use it for making fish bone broth. It is weird that they rent out their place and leave stuff in the freezer for guests to have access to.

What’s to stop a guest from taking the owner’s food out of the freezer for a couple of days to make room for their own? They could then put it back in just before they leave and how would the owner know? This could lead to food poisoning.

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Didn’t think to mention, they had opened liquor sitting out. It was the weirdest rental I’ve been in. I suspect they live there more than occasionally and just don’t clear it out for renters.

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i’m 90% convinced i’m going to get made “redundant” (“downsized”, for us Americans) tomorrow. company is struggling and they’ve told us that layoffs are coming, tomorrow afternoon’s meeting has been scheduled with not only my boss but the HR lady as well.


It’s not weird, it’s just not least half the fish I clean for students, they want it gutted and left whole.

Some want the head left on because tasty delicious eyeballs, some want the head taken off.

I’ve had some take the carcasses home as well, to make broth. I love it that this allows me to go zero waste. The yt way I clean fish leaves some meat behind which is a bit disrespectful imo.

The weird part is seeing it in someones freezer though.

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One of the kids in my daughters class just came down with Viral Meningitis.

Now we wait to see who else got it.

My wife is a bit pissed now because the kid in question was allowed to stay in class when they had a fever.


Fish cheeks are also tasty. :yum:

One of these days, I want to make a fish stock. :yum:

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We got a new phone system. Now, everyone’s phones go through teams and ring through their computer speakers. Someone, who is quite popular , has their volume turned up to eleven, so all day long I’ve been hearing “ |: :notes: doo doo-doo, doo doo, doo doo doo! :notes: :| “

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Wrong thread. This is the annoyed thoughts thread, you’re looking for the murderous rage thread :).


And it’s done. I’m now officially able to put the “Open to Work” banner back on my LinkedIn profile.

Oddly, the worst part of the day was the last 5 minutes before the meeting started. Just anticipation building up and then, when it happened, it was a relief to end the uncertainty.



Not a single -dah?

Camp town ladies weren’t singing it, so no.

Ugh… STBX once again proves that he does not want to have any actual responsibility for his daughter.

He refuses to exercise his parenting time today, even though it is his day. She’s home sick and that’s inconvenient for him so he refuses to parent her when it’s inconvenient for him. He skipped going to the doctor, which, ok, that was a last minute thing. Walking out the door to go to school she was coughing SO MUCH that I worried about pneumonia so I audibled and took her to the doctor instead.

Doctor said it IS a mild case of pneumonia, prescribed antibiotics, she needs to isolate for 24 hours but her 30 minute swimming lesson tomorrow (more than 24 hours after we met with doctor) was totally fine. She’d have 3 doses of antibiotics by then and the 90 degree pool water would actually be beneficial.

So naturally STBX refuses to parent during the day today and ALSO refuses to take her to swimming tomorrow.

(He is ALWAYS looking for excuses to skip swimming. He prefers to leave earlier in the day for his girlfriend’s house several hours away and swimming lessons are a big inconvenience.)

So frustrating watching him always put his wants over her needs.

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Man, I’m really sorry.

My local Starbucks closes at 3PM. Used to be open until 9PM.

I was hoping to pick up my son from school on my scooter and then swing by Starbucks for a pumpkin cream cold brew, which he loves, but I guess not!

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:clock3:??? Dahel??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Lack of staff maybe?

Weird time to close.

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I’ve seen sbuxii on university campuses closing mid-afternoon. That I understand.