Annoyed Thoughts

They can’t tell us what to do! They’re not the boss of us!


I think you just described 45% of the adult population.


I’ve made up my mind. Don’t confuse me with facts.


I really can’t put adequately into words how annoying it is that the mom jean look is back. I do not have a figure that can pull it off without looking paunchy or like a roblox character.


FYI, the super glue worked perfectly.

The blow dryer didn’t work - I guess insufficient glue remaining to reattach my countertop together.

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Meh, I’m old enough that I’m going to wear whatever I want to wear. And I’m also going to keep giving my daughter crap for the fact that she is buying jeans with holes in the knees, while I simultaneously pay for them b/c I understand what it is like to be in middle school.


I appreciate this closure!

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100%. I will say that I appreciate the fact that Nirvana T shirts et al are back in fashion. Small wins.


Oh, totally. I wear what I want, I don’t follow the trends, but it is much harder to shop for my style when my style is not in fashion.


I’m annoyed that Discourse is too fussy to keep the original annoyed thoughts thread going


I got annoyed by the dog last night. The place where we are staying has a very small bedroom, so the bed is placed very close to the wall on one side. There’s maybe a foot or less space between the bed and the wall. There were thunderstorms last night which made the dog nervous. She decided to squeeze down that crack to come see me in the middle of the night, and got herself stuck there. She woke me up, and I briefly tried to get her unstuck but decided go back to sleep and deal with it in the AM.

She just slept in that little crack for a few hours. It probably made her feel secure being in that tight spot anyway with the storms.

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Apparently because I “created” this thread, I was defaulted to get notifications every time it was updated!

Before I realized why I had so many notifications, I just thought that people loved me…:frowning:


You can turn that off if you are annoyed by it


I did turn it off, I’m just annoyed at the deflated feeling I now have!


My spouse’s family is over this morning. They are loud talkers. And they’re gathered in the living room, my office is right off that room. Trying to concentrate on software specs. Annoyed.

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I forgot to use pit stick this morning.

And my wedding ring. :grimacing:

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Mods, rename locked thread Annoyed thoughts Archive 001, and this thread to its proper name.


I have zero appetite, but I know I have to eat. Wah. :face_with_head_bandage:

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What a day, or at least what a conversation. I just got off the phone, and my spouse I guess could hear me being a bit brisk. “I thought you were going to fire that client”. Yeah, I almost did. I didn’t, but I almost did. and if I get one more bit of bullshit from them, they’ll get my classic “I think you will find that you’ll have better service at one of our competitors”.

