Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Maybe you could google the odd looking sauces for a recipe and come up with a new culinary experience.

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Depends. “India” is a pretty big region and coconut figures heavily in some areas of Indian cuisine and not at all in other areas.

You can make some excellent Korma dishes using Coconut Milk.


I stand corrected. :+1:

Still could go for some Indian food with naan. So goooood!!! :yum:

I think what most people in US see as “Indian Food” is typically Northern Indian food and that generally doesn’t involve much if any coconut. But a nice Chicken Tika Masala with some Naan is sounding pretty good right now.

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I don’t care what you call this…

I call it delicious and I’m going to make it one of these days.

Tesco takeaway??? :man_shrugging:


Those takeaway ready made meals tend to be terrible in the UK. I prefer buying the components and making it myself.

reset the counter for the PBM to frustrate the family.

wife recently changed to a new med set up by the doc. letter today says it won’t be covered (after a few doses). she has to satisfy at least one condition out of two - one of which she has 100% satisfied and the PBM has the prior history to show that.

but here we are…


Ugh, similar issues here with my wife. Her company changed PBMs and so she had to go through the same ‘step therapy’ she did a few years ago. She sent them records showing she’d done it once before but they didn’t seem to care, so they wasted a lot of her time and she had to deal with migraines again for months until they approved the medicine she’d previously arrived at.

We can take this to one of the political threads about US healthcare, perhaps.

Have we mentioned the 3% charge some places are imposing for using a credit card? Or that some places impose it even if you use a debit card, and they’ll only waive it if you pay cash?

Because … knowing businesses have had that charge for years and accepted it as the cost of doing business and the convenience of not having to handle a shitload of cash, and now that’s getting passed on to the consumer on top of higher prices in general, … just raise prices 3% and be done with it, don’t telegraph to consumers “if you pay by card, we’re screwing you with an extra 3% charge.”

IDK, charging the cost of the transaction just makes it clear you’re paying visa 3% for the convenience of tapping a Card.

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Migrating computer systems. My browser bookmarks came over, but not any username/password data.

I’m glad I don’t have to reconstruct my bookmarks, but now I’m gonna have to request user id’s and reset passwords for like a dozen or so sites.


Yesterday I got an email that they were getting my order ready to ship. I got a notification that a UPS label was created. The status shows that UPS has not picked up the package yet but that it will be delivered tomorrow. It’s hundreds of miles away, so I’m a little skeptical.


Actually, really angry thoughts

Someone shot at my grand daughter’s Hebrew Day school

They got the guy, haven’t heard yet of his affiliations if any




Hotel restaurants are a racket. On the plus side, I am not the one paying. Although I will have to pay for a bit of this dinner out of pocket because I’ll be over the max. But just the tip (dirty!).


??? :yum:

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At first I didn’t notice the cutlery/utensils/silverware so I thought the steak would be a challenge with the chopsticks.

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Thursday is the new Friday in London due to WFH.