Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

I like to precede all 407 trips with about a half hour of whining and complaining about costs. I start the running commentary about the time we hit Guelph.

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That :poop: ain’t cheap!!! However, it does come in handy when the 401 is all jammed up!!!

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I feel like the Ontario government said I can’t renew my license until I pay… it was via a letter to my last Canadian address, as far as I can remember.

My Ontario license plate has been dead for a long time, so it might be their last card to play :joy:.

Quarantining due to Covid-like symptoms and still waiting on test results. Needed groceries, so ordered online from the store two minutes away. Set up a pickup time in one of the specified windows. Get an email that my order is ready; don’t forget to pick it up.

Clicked on the “I’m on my way” option about 3 minutes before leaving. 2 minute drive, so 5 minutes later pull into the parking lot, click on the “I’m here” option and input my parking space. Waited THIRTY minutes before they brought the groceries out. They put the groceries in the trunk. Drive 2 minutes home.

Bread is crushed underneath the milk. But it’s not even the bread that I ordered. I had specified “no substitutions” but they substituted anyway. And even if I was ok with the substitute (which I wasn’t) it was crushed from the milk falling on top of it. (You can’t stand a half-gallon of milk up in an empty trunk and expect it to not fall over!)

Call the store. Press the option for customer service. Associate 1 picks up the phone and immediately hangs up. Call 2. Associate 2 explains that she can’t help me; I have to talk to the digital order department. Transfers me. Associate 3 picks up. He can’t help me either. I have to call the 800 number, which he provides.

Call 3, to the 800 number. On hold for 16 minutes. Associate 4 answers. Can’t help me; I need to speak to digital department. (Why did Associate 3 give me the wrong freaking phone number?!?!?)

Associate 4 transfers me and I’m on hold for another 17 minutes before I get to Associate 5, who offers me a $2 refund for the wrongly substituted item. At this point it’s more than a $2 issue. Ups the offer to $12 due to my inconvenience. I’ve now invested over 90 minutes on something that should have required no more than 10. It’s not really a $12 issue either, but I figure that’s as good as it’s going to get so I thank Associate 5 and hang up.

Now I have to figure out how to use this $12 credit. :grimacing:


Do they sell lottery tickets? I hear that’s a solid investment.


Powerball and MegaMillion Investors <----- Like our friend @1695814 says, clicky clicky!!! :moneybag: :moneybag: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:


Stoopid fruit flies! I hope they all drown in my trap.


You originally said refund. Now it’s a credit? I’d rather have the refund. And start using another grocery store.

Yeah, a refund in the form of a credit.

The location that’s two minutes from my house is awful. I normally drive past that location to the one that’s ten minutes from my house… usually try to combine with other errands. The ten-minute-away location is MUCH better.

But it seemed like the extra 16 minutes of driving wouldn’t be worth it when making a special trip JUST to pick up an online order. Except… I was probably wrong about that. Also, for some weird reason the milk is 20 cents cheaper at the further location.

And lest you think I’m a super cheap actuary for even noticing… you have to order $X for the “curbside” pickup and one time a few months ago I’d ordered like $X.10 at the close location. Switched it to the further location and I didn’t have enough in my cart. Figured out the reason was the milk. So I found something else to buy to get the order total up to the minimum. I doubt I’d have noticed otherwise.

To me, a credit is not a refund. Unless you can cash that credit out.

Sounds like Kroger. I complain via the post pick up survey. They’ve always credited me and sometimes more for inconvenience.

Not enough dead fruit flies. I put out another trap.

I ordered something on Amazon and failed to notice it didn’t come with 2-day shipping.

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Strained my left hamstring during sex last night.

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Eh, I’ll shop there again at the other location so the credit will get used. Not worth fighting over as long as I can figure out how to use it. Doubt they’d write me a check.

I thnk I caught some sort of stomach flu. Lots of gurgling and whooshing of contents!!! :face_with_head_bandage: :poop: :scream:

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I have the same problem. And it’s an OTC drug for my mom, and she’s about to run out.


I email multiple vendors for a service I need, and not one of them responded. Now I’ll need to actually call and talk to people to try to arrange it, and I hate calling and talking to people. If you are a business and have publicize an email address, check it and respond!




We usually get carry out pizza once a week. There’s been problems with ordering online at the one nearest us so I’ve been driving to the one about 10 minutes away to avoid calling the one that’s 2 minutes away.