Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

People, amirite^2???

ETA: Yo, Fannie!!! I take it you didn’t catch the 'rona and die on your flight???


I mowed the lawn today. I slipped on the wet grass, and my foot fell into a hole. (Probably chipmunks). And somehow, as i tried to catch myself, i got a giant blister on my big toe.


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The Greek place shorted me one small chicken souvlaki dinner, so I had to drive back. They upgraded me to a large for my trouble.

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I’ve killed about 100 and there’s still more. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:I’ve been avoiding buying fruit until they’re gone but I’m going to need bananas tomorrow.

What’s your trap? We have good luck with filling a mason jar with apple cider vinegar and then placing a piece of paper taped into a cone over the opening, point down, with a small hole at the point. The flies crawl into the jar through the hole and then can’t get back out for some reason.

The entire life cycle of a fruit fly is less than two weeks. If you have them longer than that they are breeding/feeding somewhere.

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Sealed my driveway yesterday. It poured rain last night, wake up to a driveway that I have to deal again. Dagnabit.

Have you ever tried honey? I hear that works better.

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A couple drops of dish soap and apple cider vinegar in one of those little dishes you make burnt cream in. They end up drowning.

I just did a couple of loads of laundry to hang up outside in the sun and wind. Now dark clouds are rolling in. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

ETA: The dark clouds rolled through; now it’s partly sunny. :unamused:

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I’ve set something like that up (my grandpa made something like that for catching regular flys outside - the cone pointed up though).

Simply putting something to attract them (often we’ll just use peals from whatever fruit we recently ate), in a container, covering with plastic wrap and poking small holes in it wiht a toothpick works fairly well too.

Flamethrower works best, no flies survive the flamethrower

I’d go with nuclear bomb, but they might just hang out at the cockroach’s house for that…

I trap fruit flies in a jar with some water, a drop or two of dish soap, and a drop or two of fruit essence. (A while ago I bought cherry and raspberry flavorings, and then realized I never use them. So now they are fly bait.) I’ve used apple cider vinegar, or some juice, too. No need to cover the jar if you add the dish soap – it breaks the surface tension of the water, so the flies get wet and then they can’t get out again.

A friend swears by his bug-a-salt gun. I’m pretty curious to try it but haven’t yet. Hubby was sufficiently intrigued that I am half expecting it to appear on our doorstep one day.

Have we discussed the annoying as hell State Farm commercials? Let’s do so.

It was cute with the overnight call. Deciding to branch out from there, … overkill.

“Here’s the deal, …” - :face_vomiting: I would rather hear “So …” because at least that sounds semi-normal, even if that has its own level of annoyance.

Did Jake get a transfer from the call center to sales? He spends a hell of a lot of time not in the office. Is he qualified for that job? Was he a marketing major moonlighting as an overnight call center guy? Or is he the guy I knew at a past place who said something everyone knew but our tone-deaf VP of Sales suddenly learned as we great revelation no one else knew and he got promoted to oversee all the regional sales reps where he had no clue what he was doing but got to ride that for 2 years?

Notice how some places he goes, Jake is getting all kinds of free stuff? I’m pretty sure that pile of steaks exceeds de minimis value. Maybe State Farm has different ethics rules, but the latest round of HR training I had said I shouldn’t accept that kind of stuff. I don’t see Jake pushing back “whoa, I know you want to give me this stuff, really I appreciate the thought, but no, I can’t take it.”

If it’s OTC, do they have it at a local pharmacy?

Every time I see this I get closer to buying one. Or maybe putting it on my wish list.

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Why don’t you just call the one 10 minutes away?

Was it a surprise rain?