Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

:laughing: No, I just like corduroys and since COVID has kept me home I’ve nearly a perfect record of wearing them everyday for the past year (with a couple shorts days recently when it was warm)

You guys are wearing pants?


I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve put on something other than yoga pants during a work day in the last year.

I can also count on one hand the number of times I’ve done yoga during the work day in the last year.


Yoga pants, sweatpants, pj pants. That’s it.

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oh, and yoga pants are my going out attire. at home, too restrictive.

:iatfpotp: :idnatlpotp:

The only reason I get out of bed in the morning is if I need to be somewhere. Having to go into work was enough of a “need to be somewhere” to get me out of bed at roughly the same time every day. These days…not so much…I’m struggling with keeping a schedule.


I’m pretty much “wake up 8 hours after I go to bed.” Discipline then is getting bed.

Ordered two bookcases that were supposed come assembled, said so clearly on the website. They came today and were in relatively tiny boxes. Clearly needed to be assembled. So we had to arrange to get them returned and find new bookcases.

Well, i was was wearing shorts when you wrote that. But it’s cooler now, so I’m in jeans.

I’m fed up with social media. I’m quitting it all. Twitter, Facebook stalking, Instagram, no more wasting time. It’s going to be hard to adjust but I’m going to try to spend a lot less time on my phone and a lot more time being present in my own life.


Does that include less time on the GoA?

Guess it depends on my reason for visiting. If I’m visiting to chat with people, no, but often late at night I log on out of boredom. Less of that. Less reaching for my phone to waste time.

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What will you do instead to waste time?

I’m definitely keen about just using social media to look at family kids pictures once every month or two, and then I think LinkedIn can be helpful. Haven’t done much with Twitter or Instragram though, and have used reddit less as I’ve slowly moved away from the college-aged male demographic.

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I’ve been trying to read through the complete Agatha Christie collection for over a year and just don’t make as much time as I should. I’m also trying to learn a foreign language, which would be time on my phone but of a productive nature. I’m also trying to read the Bible in a year.


I’m not sure how my family would figure out I was still alive if I got rid of Facebook.

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My brother & SIL have commented that, once they post something to FB if my SIL’s mother/Brother’s MIL doesn’t “like” it within five minutes, they start to worry if she’s still alive.

It’s the ultimate test. If they don’t notice you’re gone for a long time (my family didn’t) you get to hold it over them emotionally, very satisfying, very healthy.

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I’ve got almost 0 social media, and never had. I have:

  • here
  • reddit, I post in a couple of busy subs. I’ve done two AMA’s in the insurance sector. One for consumers, one for agents.
  • I have a blank facebook account. I set it up for marketplace. I think I’ve been on it 4 times total.

Just no interest. I’m sure I’m happier for it. My SO keeps up on facebook with the fam, that’s good enough. I get a status update pretty much daily.
