Annoyed Thoughts--Other Drivers Edition

Could have also gone in this thread:

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Had to go thru likker store traffic to get out of a plaza. Some lady backed out of her parking spot without looking in my direction. :roll_eyes:


My neighbour (I have mentioned her above several times) raced out of her driveway like Batwoman this morning!!! :dizzy_face: :see_no_evil:

I’m driving down the road when I see someone doing a very poor job of parallel parking behind a single car. I figure it was a learner driver, so I slowed right down and let them go on their way.

…because they’ll perform better with an audience.

… or get performance anxiety.

The car next to me had 2 cell phone mounts on the driver’s side, both with maps pulled up, and the driver was fiddling with one of them.

Not exactly another driver, but close enough.

I was driving home tonight at midnight:30 , driving on a road that’s two lanes both ways, with buses and trolleys as well as cars on the road, and mixed retail and residential on the sides. It’s a retail-y section, and I’m approaching a green light, and see three pedestrians enter the crosswalk to cross in front of me. Okay, people jaywalk all the time, and if i slow down a tad there’s plenty of time for them to get across the street.

Except they don’t. They walk partway across the street, and stop in the center of my lane, apparently engaged in some kind of conversation. So i slow to a crawl as i approach. They are still talking. I tap the horn. They ignore me. Still standing in the middle of the road. I honk two more times before they finally move on, clearly annoyed with me.


I’m stopped behind 2 cars, with the first car trying to make a left. Lefty buddy gets totally impatient and cuts right in front of the guy coming the opposite way. He coulda been T-boned!!! :grimacing: :face_with_peeking_eye:



When entering a roundabout you have to yield to the cars already in the roundabout. How is that not common sense???

Pardon me while I put on a clean pair of pants.

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I was the Other Driver last night: I forgot to turn my high beams off while going up a bridge. :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming: :duh:


Last night I was tailed by a The Other Driver with highbeams. :angry: Made me wonder: Would it be illegal to set up a device that drops down a mirror (similar to a shade or a projection screen) in the back when someone does that? Then retract when they correct their behavior? Or should I just start saving up so my next car has a phototropic rear view mirror?

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I usually move my rearview mirror as best I can to shine it right back at them. (Probably has zero effect.)
Also, most of these people know nothing about their own cars. They expect the headlights to have been set up properly when they picked it up. They probably weren’t.
Also, new LED’s don’t help.

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Yeah my car’s headlight automatically go from bright to regular when the car senses a car coming the other way. (It occasionally mistakes a lamppost for an approaching car which makes me worry about the future of AV, but I digress.)

But apparently my headlights must be pretty bright even when they are not on bright, especially if the car is clean, because other drivers will flash their brights at me as if they think my brights are on when they’re not.

Uh… what am I supposed to do? Turn them off altogether? Buy some different lightbulbs? How will I know what to buy and that they’d be dimmer than the current bulbs but still bright enough? It’s currently got the factory headlights / bulbs. :woman_shrugging:

Probably illegal and could result in you getting rearended and/or shot. The problem is that LED headlights are just too damn bright, the technology is more advanced now but without any mandates it will take years to make a significant impact.

I usually flash back at them to show them that they are not on. “You want brights? I got yer brights right here!” (Grab crotch, take the W.)

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Yeah, and given the rurally rural rurality we live in, either of those outcomes is a possibility. :grimacing: I usually just let aggressive drivers go past me if possible, otherwise I usually just set the cruise to posted <= x <= posted + 5 like normal, and just quietly speculate about what the driver might be compensating for. :pinching_hand:

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I once had a car behind me whose lights were so bright that I was blinded by the reflection off of the car next to me.

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I use cruise most of the time when I’m driving, even when going 25, my range goes up to x+10. One time when I was in the Boston area I was doing a leisurely drive at the posted speed limit of 25, driver was behind me for about 5-10 minutes, then honked at me as I made the turn. It’s a good day when I can piss off a Masshole.