Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

I meant manhattan, not all of nyc, and I also meant businesses which take up space and require people to be here, not just housing. You likely knew that, but just wanted to one up me.

That would make it #8 on the list with a density of about 70,800 people per square mile.

Counting businesses and people who commute in during non pandemic times? Highly doubt that

I would consider #8 on a list to be “one of the most” of something in the world.

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Especially cities. There are… how many cities in the world??? That’s not just top 1%… probably more like top 0.1%

My left arm/side is useless today. I don’t know wtf I did to my neck/back the night before last but it’s getting worse. I nearly cried from pain this morning trying to feed the dog, because it’s a two hand job to hold open the container and get the food out (food level is low in the rolly bin that keeps the kittens out) and holding my arm up more than 6 inches from my side is what I imagine being stabbed feels like.

Hate hate triple hate getting old.

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Go to the doctor - stat!

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If it’s not better Saturday, I will go to urgent care. I no longer have a regular primary care doctor after our old one missed my kid’s very obvious concussion. I need to correct that, it just hasn’t been a high priority.

Too much other stuff to do today and tomorrow. Yet another annoyed thought.

If it’s a back / neck issue you might want to see a chiropractor. They are usually pretty good about getting people in same day or next day for an acute issue. I’d call today since a lot of places will be closed on the weekend, or have limited Saturday appointments.

Can you get to a physiotherapist at least? Ice pack + Advil might help you out in the short term too.

I wish I was smarter and had thought of this this morning. I did take Advil about 30 minutes ago, and while it still hurts like a bad word, I no longer wish I was dead. I don’t normally take any meds (my spouse takes enough for the whole family) so I just didn’t even think about it, which is super dumb on my part. I might try the ice pack, but I’m a wuss about cold, so that will not be right now.

Use an alternating regimen of ice and heat.

ate at a local wahlbergers last night.

the placemat on the bottom of the tray has a map of what they project is their old stomping grounds. Except it is NOT accurate. it’s like 2 miles from where they grew up and likely a set of blocks they would not have walked very often (boston was/is very racially separated and these were blocks where residents did not really look like them). why go through the trouble to only that close to right? do they still have family on the old block they are saving from traffic and others?

Drop a bag of frozen veggies or an ice pack into a pillow case and pop it on your shoulder!! :+1:

Maybe the annoyed thoughts thread isn’t the best place to park this, but it was the first to come to mind. My wife informed me we need a new cutting board. I told her we have at least 10, and she thought I was nuts. We went to check, and the actual count was 13 not counting any possibly in storage.

I don’t care about the cost of course. It’s more waste of resources and storage space. We definitely don’t need what we have now. We’ll probably get a new one because she wants it, but I hope to get rid of at least 4 as part of the deal. I cook a lot, and generally only use 2: a food prep board and a carving board.

Are the other 13 hacked up good or something??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We have five: four mats specific to the type of food (veggie, poultry, fish, meat) and then an all purpose one made from skate park material or something. It’s supposed to be good quality. Hoping that one lasts a long time for what I paid for it.

Nothing functionally wrong with any. One has started to split a little on one side, likely just because it’s wood and old and probably could have used a little wax/dressing. One has a stain or 2, but that’s a main food prep board so it’s fine to me. Nothing wrong with the rest of the lot.

The stains prolly add flavour!!! :drooling_face:

Mebbe you could donate some of your cutting boards to your brother’s restaurant!!!

Yep. My brother’s a chef and I got that lesson last year. We now have a variety of good quality boards for different foods.

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