Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

taxhawk calculates a larger refund for state taxes than I do…it has to do with a certain credit.

The only way I think that I can figure out how it calculated it is to pay the $19.95 (whatever) for their state product. If they’re right, I’ll get an extra $150 back. If not, it’s $20 that I can’t spend on baseball cards & bubble gum.

At those odds, you gotta spend the $20.

Or are you looking for investors? Put me in for $10, but i get $65 if we win


My 8yo age a whole bag of flaming hot Cheetos popcorn last night after we went to bed (it was a stay up late night for the kids), and woke up 15 minutes ago having puked all over his bed.

Of course, we were panicking about how bright red his puke was, until we pieced together the situation.


He should’ve washed it down with a blue raspberry slushy.


I’m shopping online for a new swimsuit. Measuring directions: take 4 measurements (bust, waist, hips, torso), and then project the resulting 4-dimensional vector onto its first principal component to get out a single dimensional size. But to be extra generous, as that is clearly unreasonable, each size also comes in 3 lengths, so there is a minimal ability to use the 2nd principal component. And women are supposed to just mindlessly go along with that.

Edit: I ordered the same size as last year as it still fits.


I spilled coffee on my new quilt top! I hope it comes out. But at least this one is just for me anyway.


I ate too many of my feelings today and now I feel gross.


If i anticipate the call to last less than like 10 mins, then I will cold call. Otherwise, I’ll email them to set up some time.

Go to a movie or a play first. Then you have something to talk about at least.

It’s one of my pro tips for dating. Always do the meal after an activity so you have at least an hour’s worth of something in common.

Nah. Mountain dew code red.


My monitor blipped out for a couple of seconds and reactivated, followed by my work laptop doing the same. :unamused:

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I forgot I was going to do the taxes over the weekend. :roll_eyes:

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One thing I realized the other day is that although my car is repaired from the doggie damage now, Carvana reminded me that my car is now permanently worth like $4k or so less than it previously was, just because it has the “one accident” tag on it. :angry:

At the same time, I may not be able to subro my deductible back from the negligent dog owner bc apparently the deputy who did the police report effed it up and didn’t put any information about the dog owner (only about the wife). :angry: :angry:

I hate.


I believe I just had someone try to steal my phone


:yikes: tell me more! :popcorn:

It was an insignificant signal. Is that your phone in your pocket or are you happy to see me? It almost lead to another kind of loss of signal.


I am sitting on a huge patio that is mostly empty, and I’m way down at the far end by myself with nobody around (with the dog). Young dude sits next to me and starts to.make chit chat. Tells me he just got a job at the place where I am. He then tells me he locked his keys and his stuff in the car in the parking lot next to us. He then asks if I can text his mom to tell her he locked his keys in there. I told him I wasn’t going to be around long so I couldn’t take calls for him. He pleads. I say fine, i will text her. What’s her number. Nope, now he needs to borrow my phone for a while to talk to her. I told him no, and he went off in a huff.

First, any worker would use one of their coworkers phones or the house phone rather than hassling a customer. Second, I doubt a dishwasher pays to park in the paid lot by the door when there is free parking within a block. Third, he was being a bit too pushy so I’m pretty sure he was going to rabbit as soon as he had my phone. He also asked if my dog would bite him.


Was looking thru my accounts and saw we are still paying insurance premium for a car we transferred into our daughter’s name a month ago. That she has since traded in! Arghh!

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When I had a snafu like that, I just needed to provide SF documentation and they credited me for the overcharge.