Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1



I burned my tongue on something fresh outta the microwave. Wah. :face_with_thermometer: :face_with_head_bandage:

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I’m full of them as well, and I don’t even have any misspelled tattoos on my body.


Regrets, I’ve had a few
But then again too few to mention
I did what I had to do
I saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much, much more
I did it, I did it my way

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Still sneezing and coughing, but feeling worlds better than last week. Wah. :sneezing_face: :face_with_thermometer:


As I figured, my medicine from a little while ago arriving a week late sent me into a colitis flare.

I’ve been spending the last week seeing if it’ll fix itself, but it won’t. I was on the toilet from 1-3 AM and 5-6 AM last night, and things have been rough midday. Had to step out of a work meeting for the toilet twice in the same day.

For some reason I had an extra course of hydrocortisone enemas prescribed to me. I had been saving those in case I needed to take them just before our trip to Japan this fall, so I could just nuke my colon with medicine, but I’m thinking about taking them now.

Which means I’ll need to get another GI doctor appointment, to get more… Those appointments take forever to get in, so I may as well schedule it today.

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that sucks.

our pbm denied my wife’s current auto-immune injectable. said she had to try from a list of others before trying this one. On that list of 5 were 4 things she’d previously taken to the end of them working.

so now we are just waiting for an appeal and all the while a flare up is driving her insane. (one previous flare up led to an IP stay when cellulitis set in.)


Ugh, I am familiar with the requirements for step therapy, and being dicked around when your medical history clearly shows that a thing won’t work.

Thankfully I’ve only once had to go back on a medication that empirically had not worked, but instead made me worse, and that was years ago.

Hope your partner’s flare resolves once normally medicated.

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My neighbor asked to borrow $35 today.

She texted me “Yesterday I went to go buy our dog’s food and my card was declined, and my daughter has her haircut tomorrow. Can I borrow $35 and I’ll pay you back Tuesday when we get paid?”

I asked if she needed dog food and she said “Oh we can just feed him people food.” Which, I guess true, in a pinch. I would rather their dog have proper food than their 3-year-old get a professional haircut.

Anyway I left $80 and suggested that she buy some dog food. I consider the money to have a high likelihood of repayment, and an $80 lesson if not.

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Do you live in a low COL area?

Relative to most people on this board, yes.

The cost here at an average barber/salon is around $30-140 before tip for services ranging from a basic men’s cut to a women’s cut and color (excepting something crazy like an ombre or multiple rainbow colors).

We could go to Ulta and spend 2-3x that for the same service… but we don’t.

The range of prices for haircuts here is tremendous. I’d say it’s much wider than your range.

A basic barber shop here is usually pretty cheap. I go to one of those and it costs $22 before tips. The same person has been cutting my hair for 20 years. Go to one of the big chains and it might be a little cheaper than that, but staff turns over all the time there so the quality can be really hit or miss. There are high end barber shops here that charge a lot more. If you go to a “salon” or a “stylist” it’s going to cost more. My wife goes to a middle of the road salon and her basic haircut is $80. She doesn’t get it colored, but I think it would be a lot more than $140 there. You can rack up bills in the hundreds in high end salons here.

We’ve definitely seen prices more like $300 for relatively everyday things. But that’s at somewhere like Ulta or a salon for rich tourists. There probably are barbers more like $20, but we both have gone to the same woman who’s owned her sole proprietorship for like 5 years. We were a couple of her first customers.

My mother wants to get dinner tonight.

This might not sound like an annoyed thought, but we aren’t close. And it’s a real struggle for me to make small talk.


I am lucky in the sense that 4 of the stylists at our neighborhood Great Clips have been there for more than 10 years. Pretty sure some of my kids had them for their first professional cut.

The smoke detector upstairs just chirped. Time to check the battery.

ETA: Battery is fine. :man_shrugging:

mine has had amazing consistency

you ask them via Slack message, right?

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you misspelled “No”

I mean, with all the lessons you’re paying for by bailing out shady characters, you’d think you’ve have learned by now.

I joke, I kid. I enjoy the entertainment.

I stopped by an sbux I haven’t been to in months. I was going to get a coffee and do some light actuarializations, BUT THEY TOOK OUT THE SEATING AREA!!! WTF, SBUX??? :-1: :unamused: