Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Yeah, I’m pretty sure she & hubby have the same company so it shouldn’t be a big deal. Just a pain bc it was supposed to have been taken care of.

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Drive an hour 15 for a business lunch date. Show up right at twelve, nobody here.

Check my calendar, who the hell books lunch at 1? Lunch is at noon.

Guess I’ll sit in the truck in the rain and doom scroll.


The smoke detector (only a few months old) is chirping again, yet the battery is fine. Going to buy a replacement this afternoon. :unamused:


Milestone birthday is exactly one month away. USPS Informed Delivery services tells me that, today, I’ll be receiving a mailing from AARP. Serenity now.


I was walking back to my car when a bus drover by and splashed me. Stoopid bus!!! :angry:


More like “ass transit” amirite?


My espresso machine has a Teflon like coating in the boiler, and it’s flaking. It’ll be a while before they can replace it, the issue is widespread.

But the vendor has agreed to a refund. So I guess I’m back in the market, time to figure out my plan B machine.

Any espresso nerds here? The Rancilio Silvia Pro X looks really solid.

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More questions from the auditories… :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

This is turning from yearend into yeardoesn’tend… :face_with_spiral_eyes: :confounded: :-1:


We were on a Zoom call with Big 4 auditories today: I could hear some dude yakking in the background. It was distracting. :unamused: :-1:


Sick today. But not quite sick enough to justify a sick day while WFH. Probably would take it sick if working in-office as I really dislike people bringing illness into the office. WFH… not quite worth it.

Simultaneously is a non-annoyed thought, because I love WFH and this lets me bank a PTO day. But also, kind of want to nap.


why not both? If not feeling well I would, make it lunch, put in more time end of day. Is anyone watching that closely?

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If I’m sick I call a half day and WFH for two two-hour blocks.

Sleep in until 10 AM
Work from 10-noon
Eat lunch and take a 2+ hour nap
Work from 3-5

Rarely am I so sick that I can’t do that much.


Oh it’s not that bad. It would be nice to have a day of intermixed dozing or some video games, but this is just a bit of lethargy, sore throat, sniffles. Juuuust enough to be annoyed.

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spent 40 minutes on a call with our PBM trying to understand next steps to an appeal for a med my wife was prescribed. eventually went from front line to prior auth reviewer to pharmacist. wife has used to exhaustion 4 of the drugs on the list of 6 and so they are saying she has to try one of the other 2 before using the new one OR the provider has to use the magic phrase with the PBM’s reviewer to get it approved. meanwhile the condition it is supposed to treat is raging.

so i emailed our generic HR inbox to just document that CVS/Caremark has done the unthinkable - -made me long for the relative “competency” of the prior PBM, ESI. I can’t believe it. But i thought someone should know as feedback on the chosen vendor.

HR auto emailed me to say that the benefits team gets no access to these emails - they can only be contacted by phone. Not email. Not chat. Phone only.

new complaint to HR team is that the benefits team is trapped in 2003 by not having email access or chat and that the need to mutually spend time dropping off a (admittedly drive-by) comment is pure lazy trash.

happy friday


since i sent that new complaint as a reply to the prior one, the case number was logged as “closed” and so I got an auto-reply that there was no way to continue that thread. new email drafted and sent.


Being pressured to make up for a consultant’s mistake is exactly what I wanted to do on a Friday afternoon.


Driving in parking lots reminds me of why I hate people.

Old guy in the gym asks about the school logo my shirt. I have my AirPods in so I can’t hear him well but I was raised to be polite so I nod and confirm the school. He keeps talking but I only catch a few words and just want to leave. I seized the opportunity to leave when he paused, but he started talking again as I was grabbing my sweatshirt. I gave a blank smile and left. This week has been too long for this.

Sitting down with some Haribo gummy bears and take care of some work.

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If you left your AirPods in, you were not being polite.

I took one out.

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