Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Volunteered to look over somebody’s resume today.

Among the bullet points were:

  • Addict for learning
  • Workaholic

I advised him to remove words similar to “addiction” from his professional resume.


I hate the ups and downs of sales. There’s a reason salespeople are alcoholics, it’s very manic-inducing. I recognize it as a problem, but some days I have to maintain perspective. Last week I had the best week of my career. Yesterday not only was there nothing, I got treated to a few people that were, let’s say, suboptimal.
Today was another record breaking day. Hard not to be euphoric. Today everybody loves space lobster, thanked multiple times.


I once had some career consulting service scan my Facebook posts for problematic content. It said I should remove this one because it alluded to an addiction:

I used to be addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around.


I left the post up


well, it is the year of hard things

sorry. you practically demanded arriving at the gutter


Because I’m surrounded by depravity!


and here I am all lonely and shit. Can I have some of your depravity? Remember, sharing is caring.


So you’re saying you also want a year of hard things?


I’d be happy with twenty minutes!


We scold her if we catch her, and we try to shut her out of those rooms if we aren’t around. However, that’s tough as you have to make sure the cats have access.

I am a big fan of our current litter boxes, as they seem to drastically reduce the amount of litter that makes it’s way out of the box. They are Clever Cat brand. They are like a storage tote with a hole cut in the top.

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No joke, there are three blankets on my bed, and I’m freezing.


Big dog, small?

If big, you could look into one of those small cat doors designed to go directly into your door. Some are flip-up corners, some are fancy-looking tiny doors. Small enough for a cat, too big for many dogs.

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Big, tall, 70lbs

We use a thingie that doesn’t let the door close all the way. It’s on a closet door. Cat can get it but the dog can’t.

I missed a call at work from a consultant.

I remember when I used to pick up the phone and call my clients or potential clients without warning, but I thought we moved away from that! Send an email to set up time to talk like any other sane introverted actuary!


I ask people to call me to let me know they’re sending an email to set up a time to talk.


It’s my semiannual nacho cheat meal day tonight. These nachos cost $13 and weigh about five pounds are so DAMN good. Everything else on the menu is wildly overpriced - $6 for a taco, $10 for queso, but for some reason the nachos are super cheap, and they don’t skimp on toppings, either. My husband and I can share an order and still not be able to finish them, but we often splurge and get our own orders because we don’t like the same toppings.

I’m sure I’ll be whining about how gross I feel for days, but it will be worth it.


I love nachos!


Got an email about a new credit card I should be receiving bc I requested a credit limit increase or added a new authorized user. Checked the email address and it is the same one that sends alerts when it’s time to pay my bill. Called & got a recording, “If you’re calling about such & such email we are changing our cards to this new name and you should receive your new card by …” Sounds like a fantastic way to announce a change.


I have so many regrets.