Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1



Obligatory Simpsons gif:


Trying to return a call to MRI place. “You have reached us after business hours…7am to 9 pm Monday thru Friday…”

Um, it’s 8:30 on Monday…

Maybe they’re closed for Presidents’ Day?


Maybe, but they also didn’t answer Friday at 6 when they supposedly were open until 9, and they left a message yesterday when they supposedly were closed.

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Mrs. Hoffman really enjoys her job, her employer really appreciates what she does. The employer sent a note over the weekend expressing appreciation, and enclosed a Visa gift card.

It’s a $20 gift card. They bought it from Walgreen’s and had to pay an extra $5 for activation and such. I know, there’s probably tax considerations and such for why they didn’t just give her cash or put it in her paycheck, but wouldn’t have it been easier (and cheaper) to go get a $20 gfit card at Wal-Mart, for Wal-Mart?


I ate a whole 10-inch cauliflower thin crust pizza on Saturday night, and the bloating and regret is still with me.

This week ain’t gonna be showing a loss in the weekly weight loss thread.


I’ve been slipping off the good choices wagon so I’m not looking forward to Wednesday’s weigh in.


I’m right with you guys on the binge eating. I need to go on like a 20 mile run to work off all the late night snacks.

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I made a belated Valentine’s meal.

It was… partially healthy, but still a lot of food. 1 dozen oysters each, seafood risotto with scallops, mussels, and shrimp, roasted asparagus, sourdough bread fresh out of the oven (second unhealthiest with butter especially), dessert of almond cake (the unhealthiest thing) and homemade whipped cream and sliced fruit & berries.

I’m about 5 pounds up as of this morning. Surely didn’t gain all that though :slight_smile:


I should have doubled up on the beef bones for my stock: the mirepoix is giving lots of flavour, but not the bones.

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Just looked at the clock. Tomorrow morning is going to suck.


I woke up before my alarm today, by 30 minutes. Can’t go back to sleep, don’t want to get up, what a conundrum.

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The dog got into the cat box again. That’s annoying enough by itself, but when it happens it often makes her sick. Now the dog has a bad case of the runs today.


NSFW language:


better order a Tab while you wait for the repair.


My knees are sore from being on them all last night and some of this morning (ew, no, not like that, gutter minds).


What steps do you take to keep her out? How big is the dog?

When my ex and I had a cat-poo-eating dog we got this litter box and the dog could NOT get in and… no more cat-poo snacks for the dog!

But if the dog is small enough then this won’t work.

The theory here is that you, the human, don’t have to look at the cat poo, but the draw for us was keeping the dog away from it.

Sheesh, I don’t know why Walmart makes it so stupidly difficult to link to their products, but it’s a lot cheaper at Walmart than Amazon. This link will take you there, I think.

I should add that for a week or two the dog desperately tried to get her head in far enough to eat the cat poo. But eventually she gave up and stopped trying.

I wouldn’t say it was great at cleaning the cat’s paws either… she basically leapt out over the steps and deposited the excess litter on the bathroom floor. But it kept the dog out, so, mission accomplished.