Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Oh, and the worst is the employees who get mad when you point out that leaving early isn’t the best idea when you’re already doing poorly.

Nope, this company is not a charity designed just for you, and our customers have no problem dropping us at the drop of a hat, so why do you think you have your job for life?

That’s pretty high.


Would love to work at the company you own… lol

Probably also high in comparison to how much they’ll be working eventually. Going to try to get that to 0 hours if this keeps up.



I saw enough employees get laid off who were actually good and cared about getting stuff done that I don’t really care much about the slackers. Which fits, because they probably never cared either.

Power went out…whole neighborhood.

I heard a soft boom. Then about 10-20 seconds later it came back on, then about 1-2 seconds later, it went out again and I heard another soft boom.

This might be coincidence, but right after that I saw a big ass bus drive along a road nearby.

Our high school robotics team was trying to mark out a 10’ square on the floor. I suggested marking two dots at 10’ apart and using the Pythagorean theorem to find the other points for an easy square. Instead they winged it with a 12” square and three students spent half an hour tweaking it until it was almost square. Coulda gotten it much closer in way less time but what do I know?


This is a fun thought project. What resources did they have? How many tape measures?

If I were trying to make a 10’ square quickly with high schoolers I think I would use everyone’s favorite geometry theorem from triangle congruence, Side Side Side. So three measuring tapes, or pieces of yarn or tape: 2 10’ lengths and one 14.14’ length. The only way to make a triangle with these three lengths would be a right triangle.

Or if you could go with Side Angle Side, if you had two measuring tapes and a sheet of paper to use as the right angle.

This would be a fun project for kids in a high school geometry class to have to solve. Give them a few items and see what they come up with.

We have about six tape measures. The kids are at pretty much all levels of math, some don’t yet know any geometry.

And they’re kids, so sometimes they have to learn the hard way. Like when they set out to cut a 12” square piece of plywood, I tell them and show them how to make square cuts. But then some of them assume that if an object has four 12” sides it must be a square. So sometimes I let someone make a rhombus and then show the group that such a shape exists, lol.


Tiles on the floor are usually 1’x1’.

Tuck that little nugget of usefulness in your back pocket for when it’s needed most.


I misthread the cap on the coffee creamer yesterday so droplets shot all over when I shook it up this morning.


I’m almost 100% certain that if my kids were tasked with this, they’d be more likely to start sword fighting with the tape measures than anything else. But tape measures are pretty cool.


Oh, we spend a fair amount of time screwing around here. It’s supposed to be fun so I allow it to an extent.


So highschoolers who haven’t had geometry? Sounds surprising. My 9th grade geometry teacher was the baseball coach, and used geometric construction to check/reset the diamond each season.

There are a number of ways to drop perpendiculars. Did you have string in excess of 10’?

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Certainly some of the freshman are pretty weak on math.

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I guess even non mathy kids might like robots.


I’m coming down with a cold and I still have yearend :poop: to do. Wah. :mask: :face_with_thermometer:


Pretty sure my cold has a cold at this point. Why do kids in daycare have to be the grossest?


Not me but my marketing person, annoyed at me lol.

I have a tendency to get distracted with good ideas. Can lead to some dead ends. I’m a lot better than I used to be, and I shut them down now as soon as I recognize it’s a distraction.

We worked on a great idea last week. This weekend I realized the amount of work it will take to be successful. We do not have the time. So this morning I told them to backburner it.

Her annoyance was palatable. I apologized.


I only ever come in here to bitch about medical stuff anymore.

Just had the dumbest loop of phone calls between our HR and my dentist. Basically, I had switched from Plan XYZ of State A to Plan XYZ of State B.

However, our intranet nowhere specifies anything beyond “Plan XYZ”. Our HR portal showed me having active XYZ insurance and our Benefits contact said “yes you have XYZ”, the dentist over multiple calls told me "no, it says you had XYZ and it’s now terminated and you’re not active.

Finally somebody said “Oh wait you live in State A and the insurance is in State B, that’s probably the issue,” and now it’s all working and fine and things are paid for.