Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

You gotta be fucking kidding me, State Farm…

Please only use the following special characters &,-'()?$.;:@. Use of other special characters will prevent your email from being sent to the agent.

I can’t use a double quotation mark? I’ll give you a discount double check!


If you use special characters you should be sent to a special agent.


I am here for this rage fest.


Agreement is strong from him and I.

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Holy shit! I had a sizeable amount of interest from my Ally Savings account last year. Now I have to pay taxes on it.


We should go for Happy Hour real soon!!! :money_mouth_face: :beers:



I thought it was “youz guyz gaht a prahblim wit dat?”

When everyone get sent to a special agent, no agent is special.

I mean, I’m sure they’re still special, they just … fall on a bell curve.

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I’m walking up the front steps when i see a :skunk: digging in the dirt!!! :dizzy_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :grimacing:

Update: It is lying in the gutter about 4 houses away. It is an ex-skunk; it has ceased to be.

Ask a employee a somewhat obscure question.
They gave me an answer to a question I didnt ask.

They should become a politician.


Booking airfare, $950, one way, 3 people

They decline my credit card, CC company asks me to confirm it is me. I do, email and text, but they state they won’t rerun the charge.

So wife then uses Bank card, also declined. Citibank is a pain in the ass. No doubt enough available on these cards.

Lets take a dinner break before there are flying computers.

After dinner tries bank card again, declined. 1st credit card which I ok’d, declined.

Lets try, another card… on the Delta site, it asks for a confirmation code. I get the text and it works, but seriously, WTF.

We had enough years where i checked a balance before moderate transactions. Years where i feared using a personal credit card for business travel. I am not there anymore, and i hate being made to feel that way again.


My son is very bright. But he hates his ADHD medication and says he doesn’t feel like himself on it. We have tried ALL the medications (well, we have tried so many anyway) and none work well for him. And he does well enough without them, so he has stopped taking them.

Well, his test scores didn’t go up much during the year as a result. His teachers are disappointed that he’s not growing academically, even though he is still above average.

I am not going to force him to take medication he hates just to make him a little more focused. But I hate that I feel like I have to choose. And I feel discouraged that he’s being viewed as not meeting his potential.


Not sure if it will make him feel better, but imo pretty much everybody fails to meet their full potential. It’s not an ADHD thing, it’s a people thing. There is always room for improvement and personal growth, regardless of how successful a person is.


Yeah, I know that in my heart. And also, there is no question that if I have to choose happiness or high grades for my kids, I would choose happiness.

But then there is the part of me, and it’s a part that I really hate, that wants him to want to push himself. I got good grades as a kid, and easily, and I never had to struggle with the things he is. I had options because I got great grades, and I want my kids to have options, too. I don’t want them to be limited because they don’t fit into this traditional mold. But that’s how the world works. So…yeah, I choose happiness, but I wish he could have it all.


White police car with no headlights driving through heavy snow this morning. I wish I could give them a ticket as indiscriminately as they hand them out.


home is having plumbing issues. mainly drain issues. totally sucks. have had the drain service guys out 3 times in the last 2 months and today we got a laundry backup again. the fixes are never cheap in this category of issues

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When that happened to us we needed to redo the sewer line with trench less repiping because tree roots had gotten into the old clay pipes. Not cheap for sure.

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I don’t know why some employees think they can do 20 hours worth of work for a 40 hour a week job and it’s not crystal clear to everyone that they’re slackers.

(Pro tip: if you’re already getting a worse than average rating, your manager knows.)

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Motion to vote tty off the island