Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Dropped off the car this morning at the collision shop to get the “doggie door” fixed :unamused: (long story short: leash your damn dog when (s)he’s out if not in your fenced-in yard)

(since there’s no “Annoyed Thoughts: Rurally Rural Rurality Edition”)


I am at the airport. I was pleasantly surprised it wasn’t very busy, particularly for a Monday AM. Parking was a breeze, the wait at TSA was <1 minute, and got my stuff on the belt for scanning in no time.

The luggage scanner area I was directed to was a clusterf*ck. A ton of bags were getting redirected for a secondary examination including mine. For the first 5 minutes or so, there was nobody examining them at all. When someone started examining them it revealed I had a bunch of idiots in front of me. I missed what was the cause of the first 2 inspections. The next one had a large bottle of water, the subsequent one had a yogurt, and the last one had a giant bottle of douche! WTF! Finally it was my turn, and the TSA agent says without examining it that my stuff has to go back through the scanning process again. No clue why.

I had no contraband and followed all instructions, yet somehow it took 15 plus minutes for that process. It took my wife maybe 1 minute in the line across from me.


heading to the airport today. last night a started showing the worst symptom of a digestive system in distress. ugh. at least i have an aisle seat


I’d pop an immodium if I were you


Definitely would take Imodium. I’m no stranger to the “do I get arrested or shit the seat today” debate, please don’t put yourself in that position.

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Do not take more than one dose.

I feel really gross over the last few days. I can’t really smell myself but I FEEL like I smell, even though I’ve been showering regularly. Hard to describe.

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So, I’m back in a hospital ER with my wife.

We had a scare earlier today – thought she was having another stroke.

Turned out it was just dangerously low blood sugar.

She’s diabetic, and has both an insulin pump and a CGM.

It looks like this particular sensor was defective…


Ugh, that’s one of my fears with a CGM. I have heard that you can stop feeling low blood sugar after a while. I still feel incredibly ill when my blood sugar drops below 55 or so, but I worry that I might stop feeling it and not know it.

I hope your wife is feeling better soon. What a crappy week for you two.


Took nothing! Flight was in the evening. Between waking and getting to the airport i ate one cookie at 2pm. After the AM white knuckle event everytbing went great!

I cant explain it. But glad it was un eventful


Shit like this is (one reason) I hate traveling.

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Some guy is having a loud speakerphone conversation in the office next to me. Just popped on my headphones to listen to some tunes.

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Last month the credit card we use for gas had a fraudulent charge at an online gambling place. They caught it before I did and shut down the card.

The new card was just used at the same online gambling site.

I also use the card for apple pay and I noticed last time that it automatically updated my card #. I’m wondering if apple pay is the culprit vs a skimmer at a gas station.


Actually, one of the interesting bits of trivia I heard at the ER last night was that part of their stroke protocol is to test blood sugar, both by finger-stick and as part of the stat blood draw, since the symptoms of dangerously low blood sugar and stroke overlap. A high proportion of their suspected stroke patients are just undiagnosed diabetics who have gotten low.

Of course, I was an idiot (or, more fairly, my brain was working slow because I haven’t been getting enough rest), it took me a while to think to turn off her insulin pump. So she had a second bad low while we were there. (Most of the non-endocrinologist doctors and nurses at the hospital seem to treat insulin pumps, etc. as tech wizardry that they want nothing to do with…so they didn’t even ask about it.)

It was oddly fascinating watching my wife’s alertness and communication ability wax and wane with her blood sugar levels. I wonder how much of the difficulty she was having with speaking and being alert over the past few days was hypoglycemia.

We got an extended stay in the ER, because staff took a while to be convinced that we weren’t going to be stupid when we got home. If I had thought about the 3+ hours it would take when we got home (around 1am) to change sensors, let it go through its warm-up time, and then confirm it as good with a finger stick…I would have found a way to have her admitted overnight, so I wouldn’t be pulling an all-nighter as a nurse. I’m too old for that :poop:

BTW, random trivia for anyone reading this, who might be in a situation where they are taking care of someone with communication issues while working from home – the combination of a baby monitor and a wireless paging system are proving to be very, very useful.


Sounds like a really long night. Hope she’s feeling better and you get some rest soon.


My daughter got her own car insurance. Yay, adulting. So we signed over the car and canceled our policy. They told us we would be getting $$ back, but according to the app they are still withdrawing this month’s payment.


If you ever find yourself writing “I’s” in a sentence, then YOUR SENTENCE IS WRONG.

Example: “My husband and I’s vacation will be fun.”

NO NO NO NO. No!!!


Yinz got a problem wit dat???

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Spouse’s credit card just got used at two places in Montreal. Which is like 500 miles from here. Spouse hasn’t used the card since before last november, no idea how it got skimmed.


State Farm Virtual Assistant is horrible…and fucking annoying sound effects don’t help either.

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