Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

I seem to have left my Kindle tablet at Starbucks yesterday. It is long gone. Thankfully I was able to disconnect it from my account before anyone tried to buy anything from Amazon on my dime.


There’s a movie called Society of the Snow on Netflix. Am I dumn, or is this just the movie Alive that first came out in like the early 90s? Did they just buy the rights and rename it or something? I haven’t watched it, but I can swear these scenes look identical to what I remember seeing before.

you know it is a true story. Both movies had involvement of the survivors. Many American films are remakes of foreign movies, what’s the difference? The 30 year time frame?

But yes, same story. Not sure if same source material, though no big descepencies

According to a comment on IMDb, it is a remake.

I can write comments on IMDB (and have)

They list it as a Version of: – which to me is vague

To me a Remake is basing a film off the prior film
This is the same story based off different books -

Piers Paul Read - wrote his in 1974 - Alive
Pablo Vierci - wrote his in 2009 - Society Of The Snow


Went to PT this morning. Second time at this facility. Last week they quoted me a price of $50ish per session. Seemed a bit low but figured I’d pay the difference later if needed. This morning they tell me they made a mistake and it is $460 per session. Ummm. Or they can give me a cash pay price of $150. I’d gladly pay $150 if it went towards my deductible, but since I’m gonna need 6-12 sessions I do not want to pay that outside of my insurance.

I did today’s session bc I had questions and I figured I could just get a plan to work at home.

I sent a message to my doctor to explain why I am stopping PT after I asked for a referral. I’m thinking I’m going to have to get a different PCP in a different health system to get referred to a different PT place.


I realized when I got home that they screwed up my takeout order


When I order at Fung Chow’s and say no MSG, do they really put it on anyway?

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Daughter texts mom - I paid the tuition bill for your checking account. Mind you she didn’t ask if we had the funds there or not. Fortunately wife transferred funds there yesterday as she was going to pay today.


I posted a menu for students for an upcoming 2 day ice fishing trip.

Some students saw this as an opportunity to provide requests for specific snacks. Uh do i look like a restaurant to you? If you dont like the food, same options as home. Go hungry.

Nevermind that everything needs to be halal, so if i deviate, i have to go to different stores and start researching ingredients. You know how long it took me to find out what cheeses i could bring? What has rennet, what doesnt. Or pastries that contain lard. Etc.


Give 'em a 30 minute moist lecture on the advantages and disadvantages of LTD. :smiling_imp:


My wife’s getting discharged from hospital today after her stroke, and I have a bunch of appointments to make for her (and others to move, and…)

I miss pre-plague days, when it didn’t take so 15 minutes to get through queues to speak to someone to set up an appointment. Combine that with the 45 minute interview while getting speech, occupational, and physical therapy evaluation appointments set up…

They offered to do therapy through the hospital (which would have spared the interrogation) but since the hospital is kinda far away from our home and there will be many appointments, I thought I’d try a provider that is much closer.

Turns out the place that is much closer doesn’t have any availability for over a month. But they could get us in starting next week at another office…that’s actually a little further away from us than the hospital. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I’m of course accepting that, lest the hospital bureaucracy get confused by my asking “could we do it here”, or lest I have to spend an additional eternity on the phone…


I don’t pay tuition for my checking account. It’s free.


The what now?

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Is that when the person talks so much that you’re covered in spit and ego?


At the very bottom.

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I’m fixing a project that was done so badly that I would want the person who initially did it to be fired if he hadn’t already demonstrated value elsewhere. As it stands, I’m not sure I ever want him doing a project for me ever again.


Hope things get better soon.


I’ll try to do better next time, but honestly you get what … you … er, never mind.

Have attempted 4 times on 2 devices over 2 days to schedule a USPS pickup…

Will call on Monday I guess :person_shrugging:

Good news though, my meds were delivered albeit a week late and are appropriately paid for without costing me $3500.