Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

consumer calls my business line. Starts talking about something that has nothing to do with me. I interject, tell them they’ve got a wrong number.
Consumer proceeds to start arguing with me, they looked it up on the internet.

This happens more frequently than you’d believe.

I also get emails with people’s fire insurance policies and the like. And the emails seem to be unanimously from very PO’ed people. I don’t know who they’re trying to reach, but I don’t know anything about fire insurance.


I can only imagine how this conversation would go:

You know, they can’t put anything on the internet that isn’t true. So let’s suppose i am a malicious employee of the company you are trying to reach. I don’t want to do any work so i will pretend you didn’t call. What should you do, try another number? Great idea!

The fact that I didn’t answer the phone ‘london life’ is often their first clue. Then I ask them who they’re trying to call. Then I tell them that’s not me. Then they start arguing.

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Reminds me of this:

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Touch Tone Terrorists also had some good ones!!

I’m watching the recent Spanish Zorro TV series, and the number of day / night continuity issues are mind blowing. At least once an episode, it will be the middle of the day, 2 characters will leave on a 30 minute horse back ride, and then arrive at their destination in the middle of the night.

Isn’t that how time zones work or something? Maybe daylight savings time?


I was trying to verify a record count in Excel by filtering. So I put down an autofilter and end up with one too many rows. After playing around for too long, I find that autofilter expects row 1 to be a header, so it doesn’t apply the filter to the first row. The spreadsheet had no header. And since the filter pulldown thingies cover most of the first row, I couldn’t see that the filter wasn’t being applied to that row. I guess it makes sense, but it took far too long for me to notice what was wrong.

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Not sure why I’ve been so achy in the last couple days. More muscle than bone achy. I did not want to get out of bed this morning. cry

I didn’t get into this industry to be a project manager.


That’s been my life the past week as well. I don’t want to do this but someone is trying to spin up a $45M program without keeping Finance and Accounting looped in, and I didn’t sign off on their changes to the risk parameters. Thankfully I had a call with their boss and their grand-boss yesterday who helped straighten this all out.


My espresso machine… apparently the inside of the boiler is coated with something like Teflon. They got a bad batch and the coating is flaking, so they want to send me a new machine. It’s fine, but now I have to fill out the forms and then when they send me the new one I have to box up the old one and send it back. It’s fine, but this is an annoyance I don’t need right now.


(:iatp:) ^ (:iatp:)


I had a brilliant random question last night but wasn’t able to post it and can’t remember what it was.


Those look like boobies with sign-holding pasties.


Wish they sparkled Katy Perry style.


The original Jaws that came out in 1975?

I think there’s a statute of limitations on movie spoilers. I’m not precisely sure what it is, but less than 49 years for sure. Maybe 5 years is where I’d draw the line. Possibly 10. If you can’t find time in 10 years to see a movie that you really want to see and be surprised about, that’s on you, not me.

Heh, the post that I was responding to was OLD. Someone liked my post that was right near it, so I didn’t notice how far back it was. Oops!

Challenge: accepted

…and completed!

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I’m at sbux trying to actuarialize and the wifi keeps cutting out!!! :angry:

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