Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

I :nauseated_face: at the thought of raisins in snickerdoodles.


IFYP :+1:

Honestly, the only raisins I like are the salty ones in trail mix. The rest of them can go to hell.

See??? Succint, gets to the rational and valid point PDQ and people will say “That JFG is a straight shooter with upper management written all over him!!!” :+1:

I’d like something written all over me IYKWIM.

Obligatory TBBT gif:

New gas pumps at Costco don’t allow you to keep the pump running unless you’re holding it the whole time. This slows the whole process because now I can’t put my credit card away until I’m done filling. How stupid!

Also, I don’t think it’s intentional because the mechanism exists… it just doesn’t work.

I have the Costco Citicard so I just tap at the beginning for both membership and payment but they’re not new pumps. That would be annoying.

Yeah, I just tap the Costco Visa / membership card once but then I like to get the pump going and then put my card in my wallet while it’s filling and now I can’t.

Just hold it down before you put it the car. Should be fine.

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I tap and put away immediately while I wait for the pump to process and ready itself.

Went to Costco yesterday and then spent nine seconds plugging my car in last night. Just sayin’.


I tap and then open the gas cap & put the pump in the tank while the machine is doing its thing. My wallet is in my purse in the car while this is transpiring so I normally put the card in the wallet after pumping has commenced.

Two thoughts for the price of 1:

  1. There’s some doofus on a discussion forum I read a lot who hates raisins. Like irrationally so. Who TF doesn’t like a raisin?

  2. Got kicked out of bed this morning by the fire alarm. We get a lot of false alarms, so I didn’t think too much of it but smelled smoke this time when leaving my apartment. 3 fire trucks had responded by the time I walked to breakfast, so should be fine when I head back, but not an auspicious start to the day.

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Dogs. Raisins are bad for puppers. Raisins are therefore bad. Canine erat demonstratum. :dog:


Dogs can’t eat chocolate either, and I know you aren’t going to criticize chocolate to my face.

But it’s a good reminder about dogs and raisins that more people should know about. (Theoretically grapes too, but the volume of grapes the dog would have to eat is ridiculous)

Eh, they’re ok by themselves or in trail mix. I make a wilted spinach salad that includes raisins, and I’ve eaten the occasional oatmeal raisin cookie. But there are VERY few foods that are enhanced by the addition of raisins.

Their existence destroys perfectly good cinnamon bread, for example. And if you bite into an oatmeal raisin cookie thinking that it’s chocolate chip that’s just a sad revelation.

Canadian pumps have been this way for years. There’s no little latch thingy. probably regulated out of existence. Turns out, nbd.


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Dried-up, shriveled, chewy, rabbit-turd lookin’ disgusting vileness that is poisonous to dogs??? What’s not to love?? :roll_eyes: :unamused: