Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1


Was just permanently banned from /r/TwoXChromosomes for using the word “tranny”,

as in the sentence, “Tranny is an outdated and offensive term - people don’t use it anymore except to offend.”

Whatever. Shot them a message, I’m not putting more effort into it.


So I’m flying out of BWI today, heading home after having popped down here for a concert last night.

This is what greets me as I approach the TSA checkpoint:

My choices seem to be:

  • Stand in a long-ass line for precheck
  • Almost no waiting if I want to unpack my backpack, take off my shoes, and undergo the virtual strip-search
  • Say “yes” to the enthusiastic young lady trying to sell me on joining Clear.

If I were still flying as often as I did pre-pandemic (this is only my third air trip of the year), saying “yes” to Clear would be easy now that they’re at BDL, and now that PreCheck has become so popular. (I think almost half my post-lockdown trips have seen PreCheck being no faster than the regular lanes.)

I came to the same conclusion as the herd: the long-ass line still beats flashing a radar image of my junk while risking my pants falling down because I might be sneaking contraband in my belt.

Discord has changed its phone interface. I can’t find anything. Maybe I’ll get used to it, but right now I’m hating it.

Many people feel that /r/TwoXChromosomes has a bioessentialist vibe and isn’t a very trans friendly space.

Ordered a new Anker battery, I’ve never had any issues with Anker. Didn’t even think about it, opened it, tossed the packaging, and it’s really buggy. Only charges half the time, I reset it several times, I’m using the same wall plug and cable we use and it works fine with other things.

Without the packaging I can’t return it so I guess I’m out $40 here. Damn.


I mainly use my ipad to watch youtube videos before bed. Yesterday found out that the youtube app will no longer work without an updated operating system not supported because my ipad is too old.


I used my first iPad a lot for travel, usually reading books, playing games, and web surfing. I remember when Apple said I could no longer download books without updating my app and OS, and a download of that OS would basically brick my device

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Why not use a browser?

[Note: the screenshot shows that I made an error on this one before, but that the current answer is correct. Not visible here, but I did use “tienes” in the first box, and that was considered an error]

:swear: I’m still in the near-beginner levels of duolingo Spanish, but this one was very frustrating for me. Though, as I post it here, finally (perhaps), I’ve realized why I’m wrong. Almost all my lessons until now have just considered singular pronouns, including the familiar “tu (with an accent)” for “you”. Usually, no other second person singular. Some examples in this section included “usted” for “you” (singular, but not familiar). Is “tiene” (which would be the third person singular) correct here because “señor” implies that this would not be familiar (and “tiene” is right with usted)? (Lessons have not even told me about familiar, and why sometime “usted” applies)

This is the correct interpretation imo.

I recall in the Freakonomics book they talked about some daycares, I think in Israel, where they started fining parents for being late to pick up their kids. But then the parents started being even more late because the fine wasn’t big enough and “hey, cheap extra daycare”.


Yeah, the guilt over having the daycare watching the kids for free was a more powerful incentive than then monetary penalty.

had same at LGA, 20+ TSA, 5- General

went General. at check in got paper saying i was precheck, so shoes on and metal detector

odd thing, paper said leave laptop in bag, but that screener didn’t know the owner was precheck, i did and it went through

We have a flat tire. Our tires are usually a little low in the cold, so I drove the kids to school ignoring the warning chime, but didn’t make it past the alley. Womp.


Tried it but kept crashing during commercials, resetting to 360p every video and some extra annoyances.

Just bought a new 9th generation over the weekend for $250. 10th generation is slightly better but didn’t seem worth the extra $150. Also, I’m cheap.

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And that, my friend, is why I have an amazon fire tablet instead of an ipad.

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Stoopid telemarketers keep calling the house phone!!! Naturally, I don’t pick up, but the ringing is a distraction from my actuarializations!!! :angry:

The last time we got a land line was around 2008, immediately started getting spam calls. Put the number on the do not call list, ignored most, yelled at a few. After six months we were still getting like ten calls per day and we cancelled.

hotel desk chair in my room is making my backside all sweaty. perhaps i should step out into the beach area and get away from the actual work