Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

We use “this”. No springs to break, but the welding came apart, so I screwed it.

Nope, I want something operated with one hand. I think I found the same brand but I’ll check the one outside in the morning. It’s still working (1 of 2 springs is intact) but probably on borrowed time. Must have bought the current one locally when time was of the essence.

sounds like you are allowing the dog

i never see them around here anymore, people just use the plastic bags.

what do you do with the doo, after you scoop?

Randomly got folliculitis. Thought I was just itchy and scratched a lot for a day, turns out that is perfect to help it spread. Now have a silver dollar worth of itchy ouchy on my arse and some nearby areas. Assne if you will. About to receive a pill and a cream for it, just… stop itching please


I use a plastic bag if we’re out walking. Pooper scooper is for the backyard. Poop goes into a bucket lined with a plastic grocery bag, bag gets tossed each week.

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there are 5 people in my house, and it seems like only 2 loads get done each week (me, doing my clothes and me doing towels / my sheets).

WTF, are you seriously expecting people to wear socks for 3 days? :face_vomiting:

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:rofl: :lolup: :rofl: :lolup:

Assne, sweet Jeebus, it doesn’t get any better than this.

At least 3 days…

You won’t pay that much less for your surgery since the outstanding deductible amount will now be less?

Is your kid using them other than for feet?

Nope. The deductible is shared across the family. We will hit that sooner this way. But we also have an individual OOP max of $9k, and this surgery will cost me all of that. Then another $3k or so to go before we get to the family OOP max. We won’t hit that part, most likely.

If my surgery hit first, then I would wipe out the whole family deductible and my own OOP max and it would still cost me $9k. Then his visit would cost 20% since the deductible was already met, but his OOP max wasn’t met and the family deductible wasn’t met yet.

But if my surgery hits second, his cost comes out of the deductible, then I still have my $9k OOP max to meet. More of the surgery will be subject to the 20% copay, but the total cost to me will still be the same because of the individual OOP max component.

Of course, if he or anyone else ends up having surgery or something else big happens to our family, we will ultimately just end up paying the full $12k OOP family max. But it’s the area in between one person hitting their individual max and the family not hitting the family max where the order matters.


there is no way @BG5150 is serious

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So you’d like to do laundry 4-5 times a week?

no particularly since i don’t think my building even has dryers right now with the whole not having gas thing, but i have a lot of underwear and socks where i don’t need to do this.

still don’t think you make your family wear underwear several times to avoid doing laundry though cause that’s disgusting.

Once we had kids, we were doing laundry pretty much every day, either because of diapers (we cloth diapered), leaky diapers, or spit up, or because our kids seem to go through twice as many clothes as we do, even as school age kids. It’s just part of life.

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Ya know, this almost sounds like a question on an SOA health track exam. :face_with_spiral_eyes: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :exploding_head:

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Yeah I was trying to remember how much laundry we did when the kids were small. Mr aj did a lot bc he was the at home parent.

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We used to do a ton of laundry on the weekend when we had kids at home.

Now that it’s just the two of us we do much less laundry.

But it sounds like if you don’t like being the laundry person for everyone get a separate hamper for your laundry that you can do yourself and tell everyone else they are on their own for clean clothes.

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I’ll wear socks 2-3 times but that’s because I always end up taking them off midday (WFH) and putting them back on when cold. Underwear, one and done. Maybe 1.5 days if I’m lazy.