Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

Our school district’s teachers are striking and our kids are going to remote learning until the strike is resolved, being “taught” by administrator scabs and sub scabs. The district says they have 1 scab for every 100 students.

Thinking about not having our kids log on until the strike is resolved. Very anxious about this decision. But it feels like the right one. Three years ago, they wouldn’t have been able to open school until it was resolved, and virtual school isn’t school - it’s clicking buttons to get through lessons for an hour a day.


Someone decided today would be a good day to cut all the trees outside our building. Chainsaws and wood chippers are the day’s chorus. Attempting to drown it out with TIA via headphones, which only changes the nature of one’s headache.

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I parked in a deck where you have to pay for your parking at a kiosk. There were 2 kiosks side by side. The one on the right was being used by a woman that was evidently having a hard time figuring out how to use it. The woman’s companion was standing next to her, directly in front of the other kiosk that wasn’t being used. I said excuse me, she didn’t move. I said excuse me loudly a second time, still no move. I then reached my arm directly in front of her face to insert my ticket and she finally moved, giving me a look.


When would a good day be?

Grocery shopping.

Tons of food, but also too many people.

A weekend, preferably, when the office isn’t full of people trying to do actual things.

Also…they’re still going…

My daughter has caught the plague from me. She is a difficult patient.

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I’m trying to book a campsite and I keep getting told that it hasn’t been released for booking yet, and I should return to the website on or after February 22, 2022.



Maybe they meant to type February 22, 2222.


That’s a lot of twos, too, Tutu…or may I call you Desmond?

After three phone calls and WAY too much time I was able to ascertain that where they said February… they meant August. :woman_facepalming:

That’s cutting it too close to my intended dates. Booked a campsite at a different place. Now if the rain could just hold off…

I’m giving a presentation next month at a tri-state actuarial event. Not a big deal, at all. I was looking forward to it; I enjoy public speaking and I enjoy my work, so combining the two is fun.

Someone in our business caught wind and is turning it into a whole absurd thing - cascading it up to the CEO (of a Fortune 500 company, lol), getting marketing involved to beef up the deck…this is going to be in front of only a handful of actuaries!!

I’m mortified. I’m proud of my work but I don’t want this level of attention, not for this. My work isn’t this important and I hate public recognition.

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Say hello to dufenschmirtz

Just because YOU are confused about the definition of a word does not mean that everyone else using the correct definition is changing the definition.

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Are you looking for advice on how to deal with that? Or just venting?

Just venting for now. But not soliciting advice has never stopped anyone here before!

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Kill me now.


well, it stopped me! I was about to weigh in with my unsolicited advice, and paused to ask whether you really wanted it. I’ll just keep my thoughts to myself this time, until you really ask for it. Good luck!

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Wait, isn’t actuarial work just liquor and guessing? That’s my business model here.