Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1

So there are some real benefits to using oils—IF they are actual, pure essential oils. Much of what you see in the grocery store are not.

It was actually recommended to me by my PCP to use oils to boost my immune system. And it seemed to work.

The problem is that a lot of the MLM’s (including the one I buy from) put out a lot of false information. I follow a couple of more sciency sources on facebook. If you’re on there “Not Your Average Oiler” is a chemist and has a knack for providing information that anyone can grasp. I like that she’s not loyal to a specific brand.

There’s a guy named Tisserand who has done a ton of studies and published giant tomes. I think he has a website. I’ll go look him up and add it to this post.

Here is Tisserand’s blog: The Quest for a Natural Sunscreen: Can fatty or essential oils protect you from sun damage? - Tisserand Institute

Sounds like it’s basically incense

I don’t know anything about incense and just a little about oils. But yes, I would say they are probably similar.

I bought some avocados which refused to ripen even after 6 days. To get things moving, I put them in a bag with a couple of apples. They softened up, but had zero flavour. Me annoyed. :unamused:

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Which non-MLM brands are good? I’m getting sick of dealing with Young Living. They have a good product, but everything else about them is awful.

I’m unfamiliar with this bagging with apples tactic?

Apples give off a lot of ethylene gas, which promotes ripening. Put an apple in a bag with green bananas and they’ll ripen faster.

The production of the gas speeds up as the apple rots, which is why “one rotten apple spoils the bunch”.

I think all fruits produce the gas, but apples are especially good at it.


I took my car to a hand wash place. They said 30-40 minutes, so I went to grab lunch. When I got back, I see my car in the lot but no one is working on it. I wait 15 more minutes, nothing happening, and it’s been about an hour total now. I go to ask what is going on.

One of the car washers took my keys out of my car and put them in another customer’s car for some unknown reason. It wasn’t even the same make of car. That customer left, and I guess figured out later they had another set of keys. I guess they were waiting for this customer to bring them back before telling me they didn’t know where my keys were. I got a free car wash out of it, but still annoyed.


I’ll check what that facebook account recommends.

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A couple she mentioned were NOW and Plant Therapy.

Some to stay away from are Bath & Body Works, Oils4Life, & Artizen.

And yes YL has had major issues with their “storefront” this year, and their reps have been the source of a lot of the misinformation you find online. I do like Thieves cleaning products tho, so I put up with it but don’t push them on my friends.


I bought some TP last week. I just grabbed something, they all say ‘mega roll’ or whatever, it seems. Well, these are mega mega rolls, and they won’t fit on the TP holder until we use a third of the roll. I’m far more annoyed by this than I probably should be.

Pretend it’s March 2020.


Essential oils are very similar to incense. We sometimes use them in a water diffuser to make a room smell nice. Be warned that some of them are toxic to pets - I’m not qualified to say which are harmful to which pets. We also will put a few drops onto some dryer balls to make clothing smell nice.

I’ve never seen anything convincing about a health benefit to essential oils. Maybe making you fall asleep better from the nice smell.

64 posts were split to a new topic: Annoying when the neighbors remodel

They have their uses. I make up “itch sticks” in the summer because essential oils are about 100 trillion times better at getting mosquito bites to stop itching than literally anything else. (Lavender, Young Living’s “Purification” and a carrier oil)

I have a scar from a surgery that would itch so badly it made me borderline suicidal (literally… it was really really really awful). My doctor would just tell me how great it was healing and that an itchy scar was an odd complaint. So I went to this Young Living party and was rolling my eyes at how ridiculous this whole thing was until the MLM sales lady mentioned her scar cream. I was so incredibly desperate for relief from itching that I bought the starter kit and made some up right away and… sweet relief!!!

Now in the years since there has been a new Rx scar cream come out that works just as well as the essential oils but lasts longer. So that is my new preference. But for like two or three years, it was my essential oil scar cream that was keeping me sane.

Now my mother essentially foregoes most modern medicine in favor of treating every possible malady up to and including cancer (not her cancer, but a relative’s cancer) with essential oils. That’s over the top ridiculous, but they definitely have their uses.

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You had a scar that itched for 2 to 3 years??? I did not know that could happen.

I had a tiny scar on my back that itched for decades. I finally convinced a dermatologist that it was suspicious and should be biopsied, and she basically removed the whole scar. It itched like hell as it healed, and i had to keep a bandage on it to avoid ripping it open. And then it healed, and hasn’t bothered me since.

I think if a little nerve heals wrong it can just perpetually say, “i itch”.

Yeah, it’s been a little over 6 years now and it was bothering me this morning a little.

If I applied the essential oil scar cream religiously twice a day every day it wouldn’t itch at all. But then I’d forget (because it was no longer bothering me) and miss a couple of applications and then it would bother me again, lather rinse repeat.

With the Rx cream after a couple of months I only had to apply it once a day, then every other day, twice a week, once a week, twice a month, once a month, every 6 weeks, etc. I probably put it on twice a year now.

So I don’t know if it will ever completely stop bothering me. :woman_shrugging: But it’s quite manageable now.

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The E key is sticking every so often recently on my digital piano. At first I got all upset, but then I remembered that my digital piano is 19 years old, and I should use it as an excuse to upgrade rather than figure out how to fix it. The new models have a cool record to a computer feature that mine doesn’t have and such. Went to the piano store to play with yamaha clavinovas. Since I don’t like to commit to anything immediately, I went home and said I’d think on it and also probably come back next weekend to play on them a bit more. Also, it’s hard to tell one level from the next and there is a $2,000 price difference between the lowest level they have and the highest. They somehow didn’t have on display the very cheapest and the most expensive and that would have made me even more indecisive.

Got home, and figured I’d look up the differences on their website. I still didn’t get much clarity, but what I learned is that almost all of the options are either on backorder or out of stock entirely, so if I want something immediately, I have like one option in one color as of now. wtf? Someone told me that this has to do with the assembly of these electronics in 3rd world countries being compromised due to covid. So whitey in the US wanting a new toy has to wait, unless she’s cool with the 2nd from highest level in matte black, which I might be cool with, if they don’t run out of that option before I go back to the piano store.

I know that things like digitial pianos became far more popular during covid quarantine, but I’d assume that’s over with people resuming normal life, so it probably is the assembly of them that’s the issue.

I have a Roland with weighted keys. I bought it 7 years ago and it cost maybe $3.5k? But it’s great, prefer it to my upright.