Annoyed Thoughts: archive 1



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I am banished to the office for ten minutes. Partner is trying to watch an episode of a thing and I have interrupted too many times.

(It’s not a common occurrence - I can allow a ten-minute timeout, but I wanted to use the PS4.)

I wanted to send that wrench photo to someone but now I can’t find it.

I fetch.:dog:



I think some Costco chicken as a treat would be appropriate.

@Echo: Who’s a gud gurl who got Daddy that awesome meme??? Are you a gud gurl??? You bet you are!!! Daddy’s gonna get you some deeeeeelicious chikkin!!! :smiley:

Annoyed thought:

Perennially down-on-her-luck acquaintance / Facebook friend who lives >1,000 miles away is now selling Pampered Chef.

Sends me a Messenger PM asking how I’m doing and do I want to host an online PC party?

I respond that I’m fine and not interested in a PC party right now but I will keep her in mind if I ever want to buy any PC merchandise (which I plausibly might at some point).

She responds asking when I think I will be up for hosting an online PC party. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Accept the “no” lady!


Her exact response was:

Her: Ok, no worries. Do you know about when you think you’ll be up for one again?

Me: No

No clue why she says “again”… I’ve never in my life hosted a PC party.

Might’ve just been a slip of the “tongue”. Might’ve been leftover copy-pasta from her last pm-fest with another victim. Might be that she just has no clue. :man_shrugging:


you don’t fall into selling PC without (at least short term) scrubbing away all normal person level of “taking the hint.” once the hint is re-installed, they stop selling bc everyone in the circle now has everything they needed and more and the stuff lasts years.

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Sounds like an endorsement :wink:

It is good stuff, and used to be reasonably priced. As it’s grown in popularity they’ve jacked up prices at a much faster rate than inflation so now it’s a bit over-priced.

Still, I’ve been happy with my PC purchases and would certainly consider buying more as the need arises.

[FWP] I don’t know where I want to go out to eat for lunch. None of the nearby choices interest me. [/FWP]

I struggled to stay awake this afternoon. Now I’m sleepy but can’t fall asleep.

I’ve more observed “they stop once everybody in their social circle has cut them off or appeased them by buying some crap to make them go away.”

I’ve lost some friends to MLMs, they really ruin lives for most people that don’t quickly get out.


those who have lost all grip on self awareness and social clues go that route. those with a shot at redemption break the other way, but unfortunately are wired to find the next MLM thing - ideally they find no replacement for the last one.

I’m into oils myself. I try to restrain myself. My daughter made me watch the Bob’s Burger episode on the crazy oil ladies.

I do actually like some of the MLM products but I don’t host parties bc no one ever comes. I will go if there’s something I need/want.


I like some of the products, too, but I hate feeling or making my friends feel pressured to buy them.

I was wondering how many people go into selling MLM products as a money-making job vs those who really like the products & get sucked in by the promise of “free stuff.” I suspect my sister is the latter.

I haven’t been approached by anyone to buy essential oils, and I haven’t researched them at all. So, to one who knows nothing - what is their purpose? Is it mostly a scent thing?