Advice needed. Best Halloween candy

It’s still part of the IL 1040 form. Their instructions specifically say you have to enter a value on the form, even if it is zero.

The weird thing is you’re supposed to fill out a schedule and either itemize all your untaxed purchases or select some sort of default value they pick for you. I buy a fair amount online, but their default was very unreasonably high, so I guess they’re not only trying to scare you, but also scam you. Now that Amazon and other retailers are collecting IL tax it’s even worse, as it seems like the default should be zero.

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I prefer family size bags of potato chips.

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Oooh, what is an Aero and what is in the yellow wrapper? Are those Canadian candy bars?

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Yeah, basically they won’t. I’m sure compliance on reporting that must be really low.

And I think most states with sales tax have something similar, and I expect compliance is low across the board.

They look Canadian to me, we bought several different kinds to try them out when we went to Toronto. Aero’s are aerated chocolate. They’re filled with a bunch of air bubbles. It’s definitely a different texture/mouth feel.

Aero is milk chocolate that is bubbly inside; the yellow wrapper is Coffee Crisp which has a nice mocha flavour!!! :yum:

@Tiffany : Tiffneez, back me upon this one with your American colleagues!!!

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Those both sound delightful. The Aero sounds like a 3 Musketeer’s bar. Not sure if we have anything like the Coffe Crisp.

Not like a 3 musketeer’s bar. There’s no fluffiness inside. It’s like a nestle’s crunch bar if you replaced the rice with air.


Please send a pack to me and I promise I will tell the Americans how good they are during and/or after I eat them.


I’m really missing that Coffee Crisp rn I tell you what.

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So you just…get less chocolate because it’s replaced with nothing?

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Per cubic centimeter. Not sure how many of those you have compared to other bars though.

Weird I remember seeing coffee crisp often, but apparently distribution to the US stopped in 2009 and I never noticed.

TIL America doesn’t have aero or coffee crisp .

The air bubbles in Aero make the chocolate kind of melt, it’s nice.

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Well an 1.5 oz Aero would have the same amount of chocolate as a 1.5 oz Hershey bar… it would just occupy more space. Kind of like how Swiss cheese has holes in it.


They need to bring back the dark chocolate Kit Kat bars.



But if I’m paying $1.09 for a 1.55 ounce Hershey bar vs. $1.39 for a 1.62 ounce Nestle chocolate bar with holes in it (actual prices at my grocery store), that air is pretty expensive, especially considering I think Nestle chocolate is a lot worse than Hershey.

Plus I could get a Take5 instead!

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My grocery store has Aero. Not sure about this coffee crisp thing, haven’t seen that in stores before. is probably my favorite thing about living in America.

Maybe I should troll all the neighbourhood kids and give out nothing but Canadian candy :thinking: