Actuary in Central Park avoids punishment

:laughing: Even if that ever happened (it won’t), imagine going back to the employer who you just sued.

No I don’t think that is fair. Amy did not follow Christian around.

She made the call to try to get him to leave her and her dog alone. Christian started filming to call her bluff and get her to leave him alone.

how is that even close to a fair comparison? that’s sexual assault. christian cooper doesn’t seem to be emotionally or physically harmed by what she did.

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He was there birdwatching. She showed up and wouldn’t leave him alone, repeatedly threatening him. It wasn’t a catcall.

Good point.

I am sure there are lawyers chomping at the bit to represent Amy. Hopefully she gets the justice she deserves (in the form of 2 x annual salary payout)

He was there birdwatching. She showed up and wouldn’t put her dog on leash. He tries to lure the dog away from it’s owner. Amy calls the cops with a bullshit story and he records it.

They were both in the wrong. Christian should not have published the video and is a creep for doing it.

This beef was settled when Amy went on her way. Christian wanted to take one last dirty shot at her. Petty and disgusting.

It is like posting a sex tape with your ex after a breakup just to get one in on them.

Physically no, although potentially could have.

Emotionally I have no clue.

The real victim of emotional harm is Amy

I thought his sister posted the video?

She broke a leash law and made a false police report.

How is offering a dog treat the equivalent of that?

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I think she’s gotten about what she deserves :man_shrugging:


He offered a dog treat while being black. So, you know.


my guess is emotionally the sexual assault victim was far more harmed than Christian Cooper was. Does he now need therapy to deal with a bitch in central park being mean to him? TBH, if someone sexually assaulted me like that, I’d be afraid to leave my apartment. I think you’re downplaying the harm that sexual assault can do to a woman.

no, he posted the video. his sister shared it to her page and she had more followers and made it go viral.

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It isn’t. One is way creepier. Like offering candy to lure kids into your windowless van.

yeah, she has said she’s suicidal over this incident. yes, a lot of it is her own doing though, but i don’t think Christian was harmed by this, only Amy.

I agree someone grabbing you would be traumatizing. What I think is that you’re downplaying the emotional harm of racism.


racism in general, yes it is emotionally harmful, but this specific event? i don’t think i am. he doesn’t appear to be harmed.

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I hadn’t realized you were close.

I’d agree if he had poisonous treats but that was not the case.

she was being a huge entitled bitch to not leash her dog, but this was really an argument between two privileged people. a random scary dude just grabbing a girl’s boob isn’t comparable at all. he could have walked away. so could she.

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