Abe shot

How much security is there? Are guns that short-ranged? And people can just rain down bullets from the top vegas massacre style. Presidents often parade through crowded streets in busy cities after all. And I’m sure it’s not that hard to get a rifle on the black market.

If people wanna kill, no amount of security is enough. I think people just aren’t crazy enough, as much as we think they are.

I think the secret service is pretty good at identifying good lines of sight and monitoring them. And long distance sniping isn’t as easy as TV makes it look.

I’m no expert though.

with how much each president is hated in recent years, there should at least be attempts. But we haven’t seen any

If you have ever seen Shooter with Mark Wahlberg, they kinda show some of the things that go into preparing for a presidential visit. I know it is just a movie but most of the stuff that is shown is stuff that is easily discoverable stuff they do and they do a lot more which they don’t advertise much.

Last time I saw just a vice president, we were metal-detector’d and bags searched before we could go in. Secret Service were clearly in the crowd, in front of and behind the crowd, and that’s just what I could determine from obviously dressed SS as an outsider. I assume there were more SS in the crowd in plainclothes and more, and they have ready points to evacuate at all times.

The SS thoroughly combs any venue and surrounding areas before a (V)POTUS even gets close to it. I knew somebody who worked at a restaurant where a POTUS ate (I think it was a former POTUS at that time even) and they basically invaded the kitchens to see and test everything.

yeah but that’s not information people know generally.
a crazy guy is not going to research the level of security around the president. s/he’ll try and get caught.
but we don’t even hear of rookie attempts is my point.

When Obama came to my city, he stayed right next to me downtown. They blocked off the street, but I had a pretty clear view of the entire street. They certainly didn’t raid every private highrise around to make sure nobody had guns or grenades or anything

Heh, when Laura Bush was newly First Lady, she visited my mom’s workplace (education-related). Secret Service sent an advance team and it was my mom’s job to show the advance team around.

When my mom pointed out the restroom and offered to check if any women were currently using it so they could look around (advance team was all male) they said oh no, Mrs. Bush wouldn’t be using the restroom while they were there.

My mom’s reaction was “Seriously? You’re so certain that a menopausal-aged woman will definitely not need to use the bathroom in a week’s time that you don’t need to do what you do???”

Fast forward a week and the very first thing that happened when Mrs. Bush arrived was she asked to use the restroom, which took extra time because the advance team had not checked it out ahead of time. My mother rolled her eyes at Secret Service… which not everyone can claim to have done.

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