2024 MLB Baseball Thread

And in 1994, the Montreal Expos were arguably the best team in baseball. The strike-shortened 1994 season without a WS saved the US tv networks from potentially the worst possible WS matchup: Jays vs Expos!

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Toronto was 16 games back at the time of the strike, it’s doubtful TV needed to worry about an all Canada WS that year even if it did play to conclusion.

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Ohtani / Judge would also be a huge star power draw


So much for the Dodgers scoreless streak!

" How many times does a guy with a great defensive play leads off in the next half-inning?"

Oh, about 11% of the time, assuming the first part occurs. They only ask after the first occurs. Dumb athletes.

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You got any data to back that up?

Yeah, didn’t think so.

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A Priori

Yanks are back on the big stage for the first time since 2009. Will they get the TV exec Dream match of east coast west cost MVPs or will the Mets Grimace their way to an OMG 3-1 comeback setting up another subway series?

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Have to expect the tv exec dream match. Would be nice to see Ohtani on the big stage.

I’ll say. He’s the only reason I will even check in…never mind actually pay attention.

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I’ll watch at least some of the games. Probably wouldn’t have watched Cleveland or Yankees-Mets.

I’ve lost interest. Except for Otani, but I don’t think even he will get me watching.

I’ve gotten back to thinking about the White Sox. Maybe they won 5 of 6 at the end of the season so that they’ll still have something to shoot for next year. 122! And, geez, their final winning % only got them in the top 5.

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I pasted a link below to a Braves centric article on Diamond Sports Groups efforts to restructure in bankruptcy courts. Apparently DSG is fighting hard to hand onto the Braves broadcast rights in their attempt to survive. The relationship between DSG and MLB is adversarial now. DSG have lost rights to a bunch of other teams/sports already, and sounds like that trend may continue.

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Still waiting for them to give up The LA Kings. I thought Amazon or YouTube or someone was taking it over

ESPN seems to love hyperbole, and they aren’t even broadcasting the game:

Judge vs. Ohtani! MLB’s two best players facing off in the World Series is a once-in-a-generation event

This could happen for the next four or five years. That is not a generational event. Heck, they could meet during the regular season nowadays.

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This World Series should get a ratings bump.

I’ll probably have to watch it. Wife is a bigger Dodger fan than I, as she has lived here all her life. And her family are big fans, and our friends are big fans.
I just hate the slog and the mindless chatter for four hours.
I mean, the commentators, not family and friends.

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Along with the Dodgers at home tonight: LAL play at Crypples.com, USC at the Coliseum, Sofi in Inglewood hosts the East LA Classic – Garfield v T Roosevelt high schools, schools with a huge rivalry past – and two concerts at the two arenas (The Fabulous Forum and Intuit Dome) next to Sofi.
So, I’m not driving anywhere near all that.

Yeah it’s been a sports traffic extravaganza down there. Rams played last night too, and Clippers before that. Glad I’m nowhere near that mess.

Yeah, can’t make an LAX pickup or drop-off tonight. Take the bus or the trains or an Uber (if you know how to get to the taxi parking lot). Fun note: Terminal 1, with LUV, is walking distance to the cab/uber/lyft stand; can basically have your tourist walk over there, have the cab take them to where you are waiting, like the In-n-Out or some wonderful food truck like Kogi https://kogibbq.com/ )