2024 MLB Baseball Thread

Seems likely in that scenario that wild card seeding would not be finalized, right?

If the games aren’t played and Braves-Mets have same record, ATL would 5 seed based on current 6-5 H2H record. If Mets are 1 game ahead on AtL and AZ can’t pass them Mets would be 5 based on better record.

It would be interesting if they have to replay the games but they only matter to one of the teams as the team that is in won’t go all out with its pitching since it will need that for their 1st playoff game.

There could be some odd scenarios for sure. Like what happens if the Mets are in, but the Braves need to win 2 to knock the DBacks out?

Anyone rooting for another team in the playoffs :wave: is rooting for as much carnage and late games as possible!

The Brewers and Padres sure would love to see the Mets and Braves play a DH on Monday.

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I can only assume they used a more sophisticated sign-stealing communication device than a garbage can.

I turned the White Sox off after the 7th inning when they were down 2-0. Thought for sure they had the L in the bag!

This is obviously awful for both the Mets and Braves. I can’t imagine playing a likely meaningful doubleheader the day before the playoffs. Should the Mets and Braves hold back their best starting pitchers for the DH Monday, or go ahead and pitch them Fri/Sat? If AZ finishes the year 2-2 or better, then NYM/ATL will play Monday barring an ATL sweep of KC. Also, AZ does control its destiny.

It would have been premature over the weekend to schedule NYM/ATL for Monday 9/23 (off day for both teams). And anyone saying they should have played a DH 9/23 is full of crap. Today’s (Wed) rainout was only indirectly related to the hurricane, as the rain is not from hurricane bands.

The problem is the rigidity of the MLB playoff scheduling. The rounds were not always set on predetermined dates ($$). MLB should push back the start of the NL wild cards.

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Meanwhile the white sox look like they have transitioned from the bad news bears to the 28 yankees. (Unless they blow the game tonight)

Here, I’ll settle this Monday doubleheader thing really easy.

Mets and Braves play Sunday, fly to Atlanta Sunday night. Meet up at a restaurant in Atlanta. Have dinner, have drinks. Talk about potential postseason matchups and whether someone has an opponent the really do/don’t want to play based on teh analytics and who has to win however many games on Monday to make that happen.

Monday afternoon, both teams show up. Each team forfeits whatever game(s) are needed to get the desired matchups for both teams. No pitchers’ arms wasted, no risk of injury to guys, no additional wear and tear.

Yes, that could work but only if AZ cooperates by losing 3 or 4 out of their final 4 games

White Sox win two in a row?

AZ could win out then one of ATL/NYM sweeps while the other gets swept and they don’t need to worry about playing Monday either.

Following Detroit’s lead, apparently.

Still, any loss gives them the record for number of losses.
They have to lose all the rest to get the % record.

They continue to disappoint.


“In the winter, I got to go to English class to see if I can find more words. I run out of words to say [about this team].”

  • Ozzie Guillen

Bad for both, but worse for the Mets since they have to travel from ATL to Milwaukee and back to ATL. Braves get to stay home.

Either team that advances could be at a significant disadvantage in terms of setting up starting pitching for the playoffs.

Mets could go ATL, mil, ATL, mil

But if these teams wanted to avoid this they should have won more games earlier to make these meaningless. [/red]


Jose Ramirez is 2 HRs away from the quietest 40/40 season ever.

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I feel worse for the Mets than the Braves. The Mets pitched several ideas including playing Monday This week, a double header Tuesday and moving up Wednesday game before the forecast changed to make that impractical. I can see why Braves wouldn’t want to move to neutral site like Texas but the other ideas all seem reasonable.

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