2020 Presidential Transition Discussion

Not really. It would just take congress passing a law and president signing it. AG wasn’t always justice department and wasn’t always under executive branch. Congress passed a law when Grant was president so the executive department could run reconstruction and prosecute the KKK.

Yeah, I feel bad for Biden having to inherit this garbage. On top of COVID, he’s going to have to claw back Trump’s completely unsustainable deficit (which was 5% before covid), while also fixing ACA, and addressing Global Warming… It’s all just clean-up. It’s painful, boring, expensive, responsible kind of cleanup. People will blame him for doing it, and blame him even more if he fails, and meanwhile he gets nothing to pursue of his own.

At least Obama got to preside over some initiatives (ACA, Iran, Paris however you might feel about them) and economic recovery (a skyrocketing Stock Market, employment pouring back, and the deficit dropping to a sustainable level). Biden won’t get either of those.

Instead he has to be the bad guy who takes away our candy… and… that’s probably it. That’s his win.

Thanks. I learned something new today.

I knew that Washington’s cabinet had Secretaries of State, War, and Treasury, and an AG. I always assumed that was a nice list of the basic things that a national gov’t would do, and that they all were appointed the same and ran the same way.

I knew that my state elects an AG on a partisan ballot. I didn’t know that was nearly universal.

So, what changes could the federal gov’t make? Say AGs get 10 year terms and can only be removed with the agreement of the president and 2/3 of the Senate? We would have Barr for a long time.

Barr was a political hack when he pushed for Iran-Contra pardons. That he got reconfirmed after that speaks volumes to the depths Republicons have sunk.

Since this is “transition”, is it okay make guesses on where Trump will be on Jan 20?

I predict he will be at Mar-a-lago. At 12:00 noon he will be giving a live interview with a “reporter” from OAN or Newsmax (depending on the financial arrangement).

Sample Q&A …
Reporter: What do you suppose made you the best president since Lincoln?
Trump: Well, you know I did do more for black people than Lincoln, so …

He will travel to MaL sometime earlier, but after Christmas.

I don’t think he will sneak out of the WH. There will be a grand farewell on the WH lawn, probably a band playing Hail to the Chief. Slow walk with Melania looking elegant. A big wave from the door of the helicopter (too Nixonish? maybe, I’m not sure he remembers Nixon). Then, a big greeting for AF1 in Palm Beach.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he literally pisses all over the White House.

Probably, that makes sense. However 4 years of Trump have taught us that no matter how outlandish something is, it’s no longer outside the realm of being possible or even unlikely.

Not him. His toadies. If they will slavishly serve him their is nothing they won’t do from burning the building down to planting surveillance equipment for an enemy nation. In their world if it serves the Trump it is a legit action, if it hurts the Trump it is illegal and wrong. No morals. No ethics. No laws. Just Trump.

The day before and the day of and the day after Donald Trump will attempt to create a news story that “trumps” the Biden inauguration.

I’ll be surprised if he returns after Thanksgiving.

I have been pleasantly surprised at the honesty with which FOX News has been reporting this election, particularly accusations of fraud.

Naw, as long as he doesn’t make the “victory” sign it’s nothing like Nixon.

What are the chances that he pulls all the lightbulbs and toilet paper from the White House?

Will he leave a note for Biden? Is so, how nasty and childish will it be?

George HW Bush’s note for Bill Clinton:

Dear Bill,

When I walked into this office just now I felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know you will feel that, too.

I wish you great happiness here. I never felt the loneliness some Presidents have described.

There will be very tough times, made even more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair. I’m not a very good one to give advice; but just don’t let the critics discourage you or push you off course.

You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well.

Your success now is our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you.

Good luck—


Yep, they’ve done better than I expected.

I visit Fox every day. On very rare occasions, I would read a few comments. That was always depressing.

Now I check the comments on the election stories and they have swung to anti-Trump. I expect this means the true believers are abandoning Fox and moving to OANN or Newsmax. Fox made a decision that it can live without them. Fox apparently believes you can be strongly right wing by not a complete Trump cultist. We’ll see how that plays out.

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Yeah, that only covers ~25% of Republicans. We’ll see if that’s enough to support a major news network.

Lachlan Murdoch hates Trump and couldn’t wait to break free from him. By moving towards the center he can bring back many of the blue-chip sponsors that bailed out when the prime time rhetoric got way out of hand.

How bad is Trump’s legal team? They are National Review article with Rush Limbaugh calling them a clown show bad.

breaking news is that Trump finally backed down and is allowing the Biden team to do transition work.

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How bad is Rush Limbaugh to finally realize this? Does he not realize that Trump has been in fact lying to him for 4 years now?

Rush himself lies all the time, too.