You be the judge

Wait wait wait, I was always under the impression that you let go of the TP a split second after you scrape the bum

I always use 3 Costco sheets and form a little ball to wipe myself. The thought of my finger bursting through the folded sheets of TP is too much for me. There is not enough soap in the world to comfort me

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I generally use two squares simultaneously: fold, wipe, fold again, wipe again, drop. Repeat ad nauseum.

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I’ll keep this method in mind the next time we have a Covid style run on TP and I’m running low on TP

As for now I’ll keep stimulating the economy

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General wiping tip: if you get your hair lasered off it is way easier.

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Also a bathroom themed debate:

Flushing a public bathroom toilet—using your foot vs hand.

  • Foot—environmentally friendly way to avoid touching that nasty handle
  • Bare hand—environmentally friendly and not spreading more germs from floor to toilet handle
  • Use toilet paper to protect hand—not spreading germs from floor or handle
  • Flushing public toilets is for suckers
  • Pack 42 Clorox wipes to wipe everything down

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I’m no germaphobe. I flush with my hand. Then wash it.


I don’t recall the last time I made use of a public restroom that didn’t have an automatic flusher.

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I use the foot approach with a handle but it’s the toilets which use a different amount of water depending on the contents that can be problematic if the appropriate water amount is flushing up because then I have to use the top of my shoe.

varies based on my perception of room cleanliness overall. then wash of course

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I really shouldn’t have jinxed myself.

The hospital where I’m camping this week doesn’t have automatic flushers.