Will you get the vaccine as soon as available to you?

Kids will get vaccinated after adults since there’s separate clinical trials for different pediatric age groups. That might not be a feasible timeline for fall 2021 but likely will be required at some point.

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Yeah, I was discussing mask-wearing and “catching crud” from the office in prior years with some folks. Even though Stu has been the one home with the kids since the first, I’m the one who keeps picking up “kid crud”, but I think I mainly get it from the office.

If we can get people wearing masks during prime cold/flu season, that would be awesome. Once we get to go back to our offices, I know I’ll be wearing my very nice masks I’ve accumulated this year


I was saying this very thing to someone yesterday. I take public transportation and plan on wearing a mask for a long, long time. And definitely when I’m sick thereafter. I don’t expect it to become the norm, though. People are too selfish to do something for the greater good, and while the weirdness factor is no longer there, I don’t think the stigma has been removed. It’s a different stigma, but masks have become symbolic. Wear one, and people will think you’re just trying to be a liberal caring jerk who’s passing judgment on others.

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Yeah, sadly, a new stigmas may have emerged as a result. Murika.

I’ll be wearing a mask going forward. I no longer want people in the office breathing on me thank very much, covid or no covid. Keep your exhaust to yourself.

Darn I need to learn how to do gif’s here.

Why is this not working?


I had problems with the prior link too! :frowning:

In the edit window, once you copy in a gif link, it should display in 1-2 seconds to the right. If it doesn’t, then the link is pooched. :+1:

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I agree.
It’s better than watching it live.

I bet you dislike the office too

You mean “The Office”? I tend to watch it all the time. Though on delay, because, commercials. Comedy Central shows (almost) the whole series in about three weeks’ time. We watch it until we catch up, then we watch other recorded shows for a half-hour.

Anything to do with vaccines, though?

I was just teasing that because you prefer delayed soccer matches (in theory an unpopular opinion) you would also hold another unpopular opinion in that you disliked The Office

Trying to tie this in to vaccines though… unsuccessfully

Is it an unpopular theory, though? I mean, I’m not getting up at 4:30AM just to watch soccer, live.
Also, watching it at a slightly faster speed (keeping the audio comprehendible) means I’m done in about 60 minutes. It is just me watching, though. I wouldn’t force this method on other watchers. Just providing ample reasons why I do it my way.

OK, vaccines: I think they are a good thing for society.

You know what was interesting was a Freakonomics podcast about the early smallpox inoculations. When there was a smallpox outbreak people would take on something like 2% mortality risk of an inoculation to avoid smallpox. Scary times.

  1. Yes, west coast.
  2. World Cup final: depends on if I’m with friends or not. With friends I can spend halftime talking to them about other things, getting a few more beers, etc. At home, alone, I’m not drinking, I’m not getting spoilered by anyone, I’m in my hermit cave, watching what I want at my leisure, four-tabling PokerStars at the same time. Do note that the World Cup is televised in prime time in England, so noonish here. For 2014, we took a trip up the coast, and I told my wife we needed to be at our destination by noon. She complied. Had lunch and a few beers at a sports bar.

My primary motivation is not watching commercials or idiots talking about what I just watched as if they can provide additional valid insight. With that primary goal, a lot of time is saved.

And, definitely, vaccines are a net good. 'cause smallpox seems to suck a lot to have it, AND THEN (30% of the time) you die.

I have mixed feelings about taking a vaccine early. I’ll probably wait and see what the recommendations are, and if it turns out to be something I can even get very easily.

Dammit, Dan!!! :upside_down_face: :soccer:

Lots of places it IS a legal restriction (no more than 10 people allowed to gather, must be home by 10 PM), although I doubt enforcement is very strict most of those places.