Will you get the vaccine as soon as available to you?

guess so

There are Democrats and Republicans that truly genuinely try to get to the same goal by different means that they believe are most effective. My grandfather (big Democrat) and grandmother (big Republican) had one of the best relationships I’ve ever known. They were both really great people that I respected, and both wanted a country that was better for everyone. Maybe their definition of better was slightly different but in general it aligned. They just supported different people to get the country there. I’m not equating them to horrible people like RFK Jr but I certainly understand how it can work.

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I think the idea that people with opposing politics views can’t get along is fairy new.


One of my brothers in law lives out in Utah and is the biggest Trump nut I know, but he’s great to get a drink with. We’d watch the debates together before he moved out to UT.

yeah my uncle is cool even though he’s a trump supporter. his wife is a lunatic.

afaik, he hasn’t compared anne frank to people subject to vaccine mandates for their employers though.

i could envision his wife making the comparison along with her other crazy comments, but we want nothing to do with her.



Nice work, twig.

If anything, there should be a good Curb episode that comes out of all this.

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I found out after 3 years of marriage that my husband didn’t value family road trips the way I did. After 30+ years I’ve evolved on some big things and he … hasn’t. But dang it, there are other things.

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Really? The pre-Covid antivaxxers I know are uber conservative.

Politics are an odd circle with the far left and far right often being in the same place.


I thought it was more of a sort of… roughly libertarian thing (I know ‘libertarian’ is a broad net), but there are quite a few fancy vegan, yoga-doing, Range Rover-driving, etc moms in ritzy parts of Los Angeles who don’t vaccinate their kids, I’ve learned.

ETA: I have a friend in Manhattan Beach who rants about said moms. This friend is a nurse so she’s extra pissy about it, lol.

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Maybe libertarian. Homeschooling, church-going, chicken owning kind of folks. I loved them & their kids but not sad they moved several states away before the pandemic.

ETA - the other close to me sort of anitvaxxer is my sis & she’s just conservative. Sort of bc I’m pretty sure her kids have the school required vaccines but she won’t get them (or herself) flu vaccines and no Covid vaccines.

Nailed it. At least according to my sample set.

Maybe the intersectionality is ‘eats organic chicken,’ with one group raising them and the other buying it at Whole Foods.

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The anti-vaxx or anti-vaxx leaning people that I know of in real life were mostly left-leaning politically. For them it seemed to be against polluting their bodies where as the right-leaning argument is more of ‘don’t tell me what to do’


I thought rich people would have taken things like bio 2. I mean there are classrooms full of 15 year olds who learn how vaccines work at a molecular level…

So like where are all these anti-vaccine people? I see statistics showing a big chunk of people who aren’t vaccinated so they exist. But everyone I know pretty much has gotten vaccinated and has all those regular vaccines you need as a kid too. They’re like flat-earthers, I hear they exist but I would have to go out of my way to actually find one.

I know plenty. Just associate with people who like Trump and boom, there you go.

Had a friend recently post on Facebook that her work approved that she didn’t have to get the vaccine and had 60 likes. To be fair, she also went to the Jan 6 rally in person, so not unexpected.

The PT I like is not vaccinated. A personal trainer I like is not vaccinated (she’s actually far left - natural stuff to heal my body type of person). My brother and his wife are not vaccinated. A good friend I workout with is not vaccinated.