Will you get the vaccine as soon as available to you?

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I needed that laugh.

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oops. I posted it to the wrong thread. Oh well, Imajus gon leave it there.


It made it better because I wasn’t expecting it. My BIL and I often don’t see eye to eye but we somehow started texting each other funny memes, many of which I get from here. I’ll be sending him this one.

And back to our regularly scheduled vaccination discussion.


There, fixed it.


Well that certainly made the meme apt for the thread, but it also changed it from :joy: to :cry:.

But fitting of the biting off the head sentiment.

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From 1918, still relevant


What about that “gargle with salt water” part? Is there any truth to that? (Serious question.)

It sure helps if you have a cold. :woman_shrugging:


It will make a sore throat feel better. Beyond that, not much.

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Salt water is mildly antiseptic, which was no doubt the reason for the advice 100 years ago.

I think they’ve since decided that its antiseptic properties are too mild to make a material difference and may provide a false sense of security.

It certainly doesn’t hurt though. And salt water can thin out mucous, which can certainly ease a sore throat (since mucous is hugely irritating to throats). But I think the reason it was advised during that pandemic was for the antiseptic properties, not the mucous-thinning properties.

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I think it’s also fair to say that how much good a salt water gargle does is a topic about which there is not universal agreement.

I know people who gargle salt water prophylactically even when there’s not a pandemic and swear by it.

Healthline says “yes” (to “respiratory infections”)

MIT says “no” (to Covid/SARS/MERS and others)

I think the key here is “mildly” antiseptic. I chalk it up as something that can’t hurt and might help. :woman_shrugging:


I gargle bayer aspirin in warm water for a sore throat. The disintegrating kind.

Laughing and crying are two different sides of the same coin.

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Right? I love when the people who believe all the conspiracy theories call everyone else “sheep”.

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I used to dress exactly opposite to what was fashionable because I didn’t like the concept of dressing fashionably until someone pointed out to me that in doing so, fashion was dictating what I was wearing.

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