Will you get the vaccine as soon as available to you?

But if he’s vaccine hesitant as an anti-government statement then I think that’s a bit more feelz over realz. Maybe help him realize how insignificant he actually is to the US government.


I think this one will turn out “The booster is complete govt overreach don’t you think?” Then I’ll say “I dunno scientists say it helps people”. Then they’ll say “any benefit is worth nearly nothing compared to fighting government overreach, this is just the beginning we have to be worried”. Then I’ll say “I guess you’re right, I don’t know enough about the booster to argue”. I lose, end of day.

My argument would be I got the vaccine to protect other people.

It’s pretty clear COVID is dangerous to people 60 plus. The vaccine isn’t 100% effective, but it works for most people. So the only way to protect older people from vaccine breakthrough cases is to have a high enough population wide vaccination rate to break the transition train.

Well, first, it can only be government overreach if they’re forcing you to get the booster. If it’s merely: a booster is available, we recommend you get it. Then there’s no overreach, that’s just him being hyper sensitive to government communication.

And if he truly thinks “any benefit is worth nearly nothing compared to fighting government overreach” then that is an absurd position and implies he’s an anarchist. The government levies taxes on us and we have a fire department, that benefit seems pretty good.


What does BIL do? Assuming he has some area of expertise, ask him how he feels when people with cursory knowledge question his area of expertise.

They will say “don’t be naïve, soon it will be required in places just like the initial vaccine” I tend to agree with that I guess. Also, I am not really in favor of mandatory vaccines for public situations anyway. I don’t know what to argue honestly, just want them to get the vaccine.

I’d respond I haven’t experienced that. In NJ, where I live, I haven’t been restricted from going anywhere due to vaccine status so the slippery slope argument is even less compelling than it would have been.

But what makes you have an interest in them being vaccinated?

Ask him why he let’s red lights restrict his freedom to drive when and where he wants to go?

Just a friend, but they’re in data science. They will follow reason if I have a good argument, which is why I feel it’s worth debating.

It’s possible to choose to get the shot(s) based on an informed assessment of one’s own risk profile (on both sides - risk of covid vs risk of shot(s)) while also being against government mandates around that personal decision.


I mean, that’s where I kinda fall. But they will argue the more unvaccinated for COVID the more likely the govt has no standing to tell us what to do. They are very “my body my choice. what do i have if not the freedom of my own body”. I get that, and agree, but also think don’t be a jerk, let’s help others by getting vaccinated, and they won’t see past that.

i always lose debates against them. oh well, i’ll report back with how it goes

This is completely counter to where all this appears to be headed. Although it’s more likely that the requirements will be from private businesses vs via government vaccine mandates.

Agreed. Take the government out of it, and ask them to get vaccinated because you care about them and they should care about their friends and family, not what they think the government tells them.

Probably just need to find a bigger fear.
Death? Hospitalization?

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Well first, the government hasn’t really mandated anything except in some very specific cases, but even if we run down that rabbit hole it becomes a conversation about when is it reasonable for the government to mandate something which usually becomes a conversation about drunk driving.

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I think everyone should get vaccinated to try to beat down COVID.
They advocate for people not to get vaccinated, and I want them to stop that. They know it’s not harmful and admit it has at least a slight benefit but think they are a hypocrite if they get the vaccine.

Is the argument over boosters or initial vaccination?

Need to consider morbidity as well as mortality.

Yes antibodies wane over time. Some things require boosters (e.g. tetanus), some do not (e.g. chicken pox).

Strain on medical resources. Completely non-urgent surgeries are already off the table. Now urgent but not emergent ones are disappearing too.

This is ridiculous. If people chose to do what’s beneficial as a whole then the government wouldn’t force it.

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He’s only a hypocrite if he continues preaching against getting the vaccine after getting it. Sounds more like he doesn’t want to admit that he’s changed his mind. Maybe talk more about respecting people who can admit when they’re wrong and change their position instead of focusing on the vaccine.

[conspiracy]That’s entirely because hospitals weren’t treating cancer patients though.[/conspiracy]

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