Will you get the vaccine as soon as available to you?

I AM concerned that I can still get pretty sick with COVID despite the vaccine. Yeah, I got J&J, but I’d have a similar concern with the other two. I’m hearing of some pretty sucky cases of COVID on vaccinated people. Sounds like the people don’t ultimately die for the most part, but it isn’t fun.

Hoping they finally have some guidance on booster shots soon.

We were fairly limited in our interactions with others prior to the pandemic. Since then we are even more limited. Since I now WFH, I think Google Maps must thing I’ve become a shut-in. I seriously go days on end, sometimes a week or more without going further than to my church about a half mile away. And I’m not worried about getting exposed at the grocery store as they are fairly large with not huge crowds when I go. My wife works in a facility that tests everyone who enters who doesn’t work there and those who work there either have to be vaccinated or wear masks, so virtually everyone is vaccinated.

So the chances that we are going to be exposed are extremely small and because we have recovered and been vaccinated the chance that if exposed we catch it again I’m putting at infinitesimal. So we are super extremely unlikely to spread it or get it so we wear masks only for virtue signalling.

I expect that if the rates don’t go down soon, mask for all requirements at many stores will be re-implemented even if the government doesn’t require or even recommend it.

I didn’t really read it that way. I read it as “New York has a disproportionately high number of groups that have above-average nose size.”

Which is significantly more groups than just Jewish people, and evidently includes Stu.

I don’t always agree with Arnold and don’t think he was a particularly good Govenator, but he makes a lot of sense here.


That is a fantastic quote. Go Gubernator!

No offense, Mr Zombie, but we children are still safer than you.

(Slightly modified from chart in this article: Become an FT subscriber to read | Financial Times based on UK population data)

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fascinating & lol

Vaccines mandatory for Military by 9/15.


Almost looks like 30 year olds gain negative mortality risk… chance of spontaneously cloning?

The y axis is on the log scale, & there’s no zero shown.

It does appear to simplistically assume every age group sees the same ~90% efficacy, which is unlikely.

who was the person who posted in here that his wife had a break through case that is sort of sucking, but he doesn’t anticipate her being hospitalized, and he was also getting tested because he had symptoms of a breakthrough case? I forget who it was. Was recent, and I don’t see any updates to that. Wondering what happened there.

I find it hard to search on this forum to figure that out.

Oh the new dots aren’t actuals? Simply 90% times the unvaccinated actuals?

I think it was Kevin (@Maphistos_Sidekick )

Of course, if an 11 year old has minor brain damage from covid, it will cost them more than it would cost a 50 year old.

I believe so. They look too uniform to be actuals.

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Yeah makes sense, a shame though

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Yep, that was me.

We finally both tested negative on Friday, with results in our inboxes when we got up this morning. We can go back to avoiding people because we are asocial, rather than because of public health concerns!

The effects on me were minimal, if they were even effects of the virus – a little bit of congestion, and some aches that I would have written off as allergies and wet weather.

Mrs. Sidekick seems to be defying the odds. Not only is she a breakthrough case, but it looks like she’s going to be a long-hauler. She’s still got the cold-like symptoms, a productive cough, a distorted sense of taste/smell…but she’s also dealing with headaches, fatigue, and mental haziness. It’s not certain that it’s really long haul COVID, as they could also be manifestations of other, non-COVID health issues…but her doctor has her starting on the regimen currently recommended to treat long-haul symptoms. (I thought the vaccines had been reported to help relieve long-haul issues in some cases.)

We were never concerned about her being at risk of hospitalization (although we are pretty certain that her other health issues would have meant COVID would have been a death sentence before the vaccinations). We have an O2 meter, and she never dropped below the low 90’s. Mostly, it’s just been annoying general suckage.


oh, so you did test positive? I don’t think you came back to update even on that part, unless I missed it.

glad the effects on you were minimal. sucks what your wife is dealing with. :frowning:

I was positive.

It was oddly funny for a while – I was looking forward to teasing my wife over her having given me COVID for my birthday.

It quit being funny when it dragged on.

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I hope your wife starts feeling better. When do they decide someone is a long hauler? What is the regimen, if you don’t mind sharing?

It took me a good month to stop falling asleep at random times. But my O2 was down to 88 and I had a hospital stay. My husband still cannot smell properly and we are closing in on 11 months. He has some other issues that could be “old age” (really middle age) but could also be Covid related. Hmmm.