Why would anyone buy non-iodized salt?

It seems like a no brainer to get iodized salt if you don’t want a goiter or something. So why would anyone get the non iodized version?

I don’t mean special salt like kosher or Himalayan or whatever. Just the plain old boring kind that you can find in big cylinders.

Is the salt on the fries at McDonalds iodized? If so, I don’t think I’m at risk of a goiter…


Iodized salt isn’t as good as non-iodized salt for pickling or wound care.


When I had iodine deficiency, I learned that many restaurants use salt that is not iodized.

We have a tub of that for the neti pot.

I had to do a non-iodized salt diet when I had to get radiation treatment. It was tough. Thank god for chipotle


Isn’t kosher salt noN iodized? I’m assuming it’s called kosher for a religious reason, but what do I know.

According to Alton Brown it has something to do with it being used in the koshering process, but um not a rabbi, and he isn’t either, so…

Kosher salt isn’t iodized, but the OP specified:

I assume he was wondering why the sell tubs on non-iodized salt next to the tubs of iodized salt.

Yeah I would have thought by now non iodized salt would be a niche product or something you’d get at a pharmacy if you had a rare medical exception but the amount supplied indicates otherwise.

Alton Brown, my 2nd favorite tv cook/chef, almost always uses kosher salt. He prefers the flavor and texture to iodized salt. In his episode about salt, I think he comments that salt is so prevalent in most american diets that you are not missing out on the required iodine by using kosher salt when you use salt.

My 1st favorite tv chef, Steven Raichlen, almost always uses sea salt and he prefers a coarse grind.

Kosher salt is made from the remains of Lot’s wife after she looked back at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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