Why did I lose my "Regular" status?

Yeah, still not jumping out immediately unless it’s something like one of these two:

  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)

Or, one of these:

  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended or silenced in the last 6 months

Which, I would be surprised if anything I’ve put up hit the first one, but if I were me I would silence myself - meaning, that last point could be totally in play.

Really not a big deal, I think I would just like to see what leaves one short of hitting the next trust level where it’s applicable.

I might have not done this one, but I’d think most people would not have done this one -

" * Must have replied to at least 10 different non-PM topics"

There just aren’t that many non-PM topics to reply to.

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+1 thanks!

What is a non-PM topic? Asking for a friend, by the way.

I assume pm topic means a private message topic.

Private messages look like threads on here.

OK. Well, still doesn’t answer how I went down a level. I’ll just assume someone hates me - which, to be honest, the actuarials were pretty good on happening.

We don’t know, but it was likely from not reading or posting enough.
Again, we’re still tweaking this. @Serena.

I’m on it.

Ok - I didn’t change the settings to get to TL3. But I changed it to where once you hit TL3, you stay there for a minimum of 2 years.


Two year minimum seems reasonable, although it might be worth checking in December 2022 to see if there is a sudden and unwarranted drop in TL3 folk. Particularly those who you didn’t make permanent TL3s.

I figure if you haven’t participated much for two years, you pbly don’t care about your T level. :woman_shrugging:

I agree with the sentence you wrote; the issue would be if the definition of “haven’t participated much” was unreasonably strict.

The threshold for “hasnt participated much” might be odd though if it got me demoted when I was the number one post count poster on this site and not like I quit years ago. I only first registered a few months ago. So if the same level of posting would get me demoted in 2 years, the threshold might not be great

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Yes, my point exactly. ao_fan and I are the two most prolific non-mod posters on here. (I was recently surpassed by Lucy, but she presumably can’t be demoted below TL4.) If we can’t maintain regular status… that doesn’t bode well for others.

yeah, I can look at the other settings to get to TL3 as well. I just haven’t yet.

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Where can you see this ranking?

Go to the “hamburger menu” in the upper right-hand corner and click “Users”. It will default to stats for the current week, but you can change it to day, month, quarter, year, all-time. Select all-time and then sort by “replies” (which I believe also includes the OP in a thread you start) and you’ll get an ordered list by post count.

At present ao_fan, Lucy, and I are the top three posters, in that order. You are #11.

BTW, it was never my goal to have a high post count… I just do. :grimacing:

Proud to be a GoA Pioneer!

And I got an ‘i voted’ badge even though I’m Canadian. I’m a bit sceptical about the assignment of badges and credentials on this forum.