Where would you place yourself on the political spectrum?

I think they already are. SNAP benefit formula for a single is roughly

  1. Start with income
  2. Reduce 1 by some deductions ($177 per month, 20% of earned income, etc.)
  3. Multiply 2 by 30%
  4. Subtract 3 from $250

That’s your monthly benefit. I think a monthly income of $638 gives a monthly benefit of $100.

There are “gross” and “net” income limits. But, looking at the formula, I don’t think they are often relevant.

SNAP Eligibility | USDA-FNS

You said that your state has a hard income limit. Do you have a number?

Interesting. This contradicts my state’s website about their program. I don’t want to give exact numbers to remain pseudonymous but a little under $20,000 makes you ineligible according to my state (for 1 person, higher for more)… Perhaps they have a tapering mechanism that’s not clearly stated, I don’t believe they did when I was younger.

I want the government to stay out of my church, legalize marijuana, provide healthcare to everyone, incentevize work and employers to pay fairly, and to manage competitive markets for goods and services.

I do not want the government to pay people to not work, to tell me how to think or talk, and to fight foreign wars with sovereign nations that did not attack us in the name of freedom and democracy.

I’m a simple man without a good political home.


Yep, back in the day we had a couple posters like that. Fun discussions.

I voted Libertarian in 2016. Looking at the candidates, I thought thought Gary Johnson would make the best president. (And, I figured Hillary was a shoo-in so my vote didn’t matter. Yeah, I want ranked choice voting.)

I don’t agree with any of the things you list. But I can see places where I’d like to move in that direction.

Just making sure it stays that way. Religious freedom is important.

I want your church to stay of the government.

So, we’re even?

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This. I believe the $20,000 limit is mostly irrelevant. Almost all singles will slide down the smooth formula to zero before they get to $20,000.

Yeah my church doesn’t play politics. You’re welcome. We had people quit when Donald Trump got elected because people that attended supported him on Facebook and we didn’t speak out against it. Then we had people quit after he got beat because we didn’t speak out for him. I don’t know what we’re supposed to do. The church is not a political or patriotic organization.


Fixed that, for, I believe, accuracy.
But the issue is that some churches are. Co-opted for a few people’s self-interest.

being pro life is playing politics. are they pro life?

many social issues are political. The church has to have a stance on these social issues. There no way you can stay out of politics.

I’m sure Nick will be back, but 99% certain he is talking about his church, not THE church. So his statement is going to be accurate based on how he, as a pastor, is leading the organization.

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I know. His church seems to be suffering due to lack of a political stance. And I agree he has no pull in any other church.

So Nick. Do you require masks at your service? However you answer, surely you are aware that to many, that is a political statement.

I haven’t heard a thing about the government interfering in this church. Just people getting upset at each other about politics. For sure there are some cases of the government interfering in religion but it seems pretty rare, especially for Christianity (which I am presuming this church is by the use of the title pastor.)

I think ‘libertarian’ was a nice disguise for many Rs during the trump years that didnt want to be associated with trump. I am guilty of this temporary association…

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For a long time I viewed Libertarians as someone who said the government should exists to protect MY property rights without taking MY money. I’m not sure that’s not too far off from reality.

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I went in with “libertarian” even though I’ve been increasingly loath to use the label, due to those using the term these days.

There isn’t a really good label in American politics for being socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and distrustful of government / wanting the government to stay the heck out of my life.


This is more relevant these days but both sides of the coin are important.

With the general rightward drift of the country the last few decades I have to put hard left by US standards. Probably center-left by European standards. Similar to RP and Raistlin.