Where did you meet your signficant other?

We started chatting on an old lacrosse forum we were both on, then met at a bar after a game and it just went from there.

I met g-lassie at a rock music concert (I was living out of town at the time). We started conversing in line to get in, and then went our separate ways. Ran into her again randomly in the coat check line afterwards and gave her my number, hoping to see her again at the next concert (it was a multi-night run). That didn’t happen, but we started texting frequently and I eventually drove back to town a few weeks later for our first date.


21 years ago I worked at Rafferty’s Bar & Grill in college (bartended and served tables). I worked in Louisville and my wife worked at the Bowling Green location. When she graduated she got a job teaching in Louisville and moved to the city mid May. Since school did not start till August she transferred to the Rafferty’s I worked at for the rest of summer.

Her first day there we only passed each other but I was like :eyes:

Her second day I introduced myself and we started talking about where she had moved to and it turned out it was right across the street from me. Her apartment was in home on the right side of this photo and mine was in the building you can see the bottom of on the left.

Once we figured that out she mentioned it would be very convenient for us to have lunch sometime. I wasn’t too dense to get the hint and the rest is history.


I was on a round the world trip and stopped in a college town for a few days. I went to my only ever college football game but my butt started to freeze after a while (that’s why others had newspapers). I walked to downtown and saw a restaurant with Paulaner on tap - my favorite beer at the time and a beer that was not available on tap in Australia.

I ate at the bar and my now-wife was just then venturing out into the real world after being recently widowed. It was her first time there and I was the lucky one whom she sat next to. I nearly blew it though, I clogged up her toilet for three days since American toilets do not flush the same way (opposite direction?) as the ones I grew up with.

Went to a party to hit on her roommate. Her roommate was breaking up with BF all night long in the other room. We hit it off over Jesus Christ Superstar and 30+ years later we’re still together.

Kalamazoo, Michigan, at a church singles dance

First semester of college for me (started in a January). When to an older student’s dorm room for a Bible study and was captivated by this gal wearing duct-taped slippers.

Took her to my fraternity’s founder’s dinner (formal event in another town) where she turned out to be the only date (other females present were older women that were spouses of members that have already graduated college).

After about 3 years of courtship and a 14 month engagement, we got married. I probably have easy in terms of remembering my anniversary date: it’s exactly 6 months from my birthdate.

Just celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary and preparing for our first grandchild.


3 years? Wow.
We met in may, she moved in in July. Engaged in August. Married the next July.
Wham bam thank you maam.

In terms of dates we have a wall hanging with the date. I know the month so when it gets close I check the wall hanging. If they ever archive that hanging, I’m humped.

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She must be a strong woman. She could have forgiven him and wished him the best of luck finding someone who will put up with that sh@t.

IIRC, my parents met in March and were married the following December.

Which month they met is sketchy (but close; might’ve been Feb; might’ve been June) . . . but their anniversary is three days before my dad’s 21st birthday. He needed his parent’s permission to get married; my mom was already 18 and didn’t need that.

My date is relatively easy to remember. bĂ ba day.

My wife and I got engaged two years to the day after we met. (We were living together. She had been looking to go back to school when my employer was acquired in a deal where it seemed unlikely that my job would survive. That created a situation where we were obliged to talk seriously about the future.)

That date also coincided with my late mother’s birthday, which my wife half-jokingly says is the reason my mom wasn’t particularly fond of her.

Our engagement date also was the date that the levees around the town she grew up in broke, flooding the town. We were breaking the news to her folks when we heard the evacuation sirens go off over the phone.

Our move-in-together date also coincides with the date when we took a vacation together in Paris. Just before we left, we left a message on her mom’s answering machine that was worded in such a way as to imply that we were eloping. The check-in call after we arrived turned out to be an extremely expensive one, where we apologized profusely and assured her mom that we weren’t denying her her daughter’s wedding. (The trip was in the days when you commonly used a calling card from a payphone to make calls while traveling abroad, rather than roaming or getting a local SIM for your cell phone.)

Before her car accident, my wife wouldn’t let me forget our “meetaversary” and “moveinaversary” dates. Thanks to the TBI, she has problems remembering the dates
but she does remember enough to ask me to confirm what the dates were every so often.


One postscript to my tale above:

Based on the drama surrounding our wedding
we really should have eloped.

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My daughter eloped, because of drama on her husband’s side. Her husband’s mother is off the rails catholic. Like, church every day (that’s not the off the rails part, it’s just representative of how deep she is).They settled on having a ceremony at the church afterwards, where they got their rings blessed. While I’m regretful that I didn’t get to attend her wedding, it was definitely a great decision. Plus, saved a ton of money.
They got married in vegas. We figure we might all 6 of us (me/spouse, daughter/spouse, son and gf) go to vegas for their 5th year anniversary and have them renew their vows. I’ve suggested that my spouse and I renew our vows in vegas too but my wife seems reluctant to that idea, no idea why. First, I think it’s a good thing to show that I would recommit, and secondly, I want to get married by midget elvis.

Our wedding included the following bits of “fun”:

  • We paid for our wedding. However, because my wife and I had to get to the reception venue before things had been completely settled up at the church, I left my mother-in-law with my checkbook and a few blank signed checks. She lost that checkbook. (We found it later in one of the boxes from the church.)

  • The wedding happened in a rural environment in the deep south 24 years ago. My stepfather-in-law is a racist homophobe. One of my wife’s bridesmaids was an African American very out lesbian
and my wife wanted her to stay with her family because she expected the bridesmaid to be uncomfortable on her own. You can guess how things went between the bridesmaid and my stepfather-in-law.

  • The bridesmaid was apparently not a 6 on the Kinsey scale as my wife and I thought. We discovered later that she had a thing for me
and that’s apparently part of the reason why she told my mother-in-law and a few other folks a few stories about me, painting me as abusive, trying get the wedding called off. The issues were such that she got disinvited from her transportation back to the airport
and my wife and I had to work around the tradition of “the groom can’t see the bride before the wedding” to figure out alternative transportation and lodging for the bridesmaid (because we hadn’t at that point realized the full extent of what she had been doing).

  • My wife had a certain anti-commitment reputation among her peers growing up, to the extent that there was a betting pool on how long we would last / whether she’d even make it down the aisle. So, when she was 45 minutes late getting to the church due to having run out of hot water at her folks’ house

  • The reception was held in a bone-dry jurisdiction. However, a few attendees did bring some homemade libations
and an ambulance had to be called due to the resulting methanol poisoning.

We REALLY should have eloped.

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Holy shit!

Cursed to live in interesting times!

My life is a freakin fairytale.

My future wife was in many of my math classes in university but I never asked her out. I admired her at a distance as I perceived her as a blonde goddess way out of my league in many different ways.

I was pleasantly surprised at my first day of work after graduating from university to see that she worked in an actuarial department of the same company as me! The actuarial students in those days always went out for drinks after writing an exam. After a few drinks, after an exam about a year after starting work, I got up the courage to invite her back to my apartment with an offer of a yoga lesson and a home-cooked meal. She accepted and two years later we were married.

That yoga lesson was 50 years ago this May and thankfully she still doesn’t realize she is out of my league.


Since there is a small competition on who got hitched the fastest - may I present:

  • Met late Sept 2018
  • I love you on Day 3 (me)
  • Moved to the U.S. Jan 2019
  • Engaged end of June 2019
  • Married beginning of Aug 2019

Engaged on anniversary of 1st date (three weeks or 5 years after we met)
1 1/2 year engagement

You got me.

Met June 2003
Engaged May 2004
Married August 2004
Baby Feb 2005

We found out my wife was pregnant 5 days after getting engaged. When she told me the first question she had was if I still wanted to get married? I was like, duh :blush: