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Pretty interesting article on our attempts to trace COVID’s origins. Basically, we know that it came from bats originally, but the bats are hundreds of miles away from Wuhan. But there’s an obvious solution-- some intermediate animal caught it from bats, and that animal got to Wuhan. That’s how both SARS and MERS worked. Only… we can’t find the damn animal.
Meanwhile there sure is a virology institution studying bat COVID in Wuhan of all places. Which (according to an anonymous WaPo leak) we knew was unsafe back in 2018 and chose to ignore. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/14/state-department-cables-warned-safety-issues-wuhan-lab-studying-bat-coronaviruses/
On top of that, we definitely helped fund some of the research in that lab, though arguably not the invention of super-COVID, probably… PolitiFact | United Facts of America: Dr. Anthony Fauci disputes Sen. Rand Paul on Wuhan lab
Anyway, we need china’s cooperation to pursue any kind of investigation, and we might be responsible ourselves. So we can’t just be like “duh, it’s the lab!”
COVID has always existed in some form, why did this have to come from somewhere?
Couldn’t it just be a super strain variant of a previously non-lethal version?
Googling around, I think it’s basically the same way you can find your family tree with 23-and-me.
They can see what % of the nucleotides match, and they can see how which parts of which viruses match to each other. The nearest bat virus is 96%, while human viruses are nowhere near that.
The analysis of variants are kind of similar-- where it’s not just “there are mutations causing variants” but a well defined family tree that can be traced to specific places and times.
Absent anything remotely resembling facts on the origin, I’m pretty happy with my speculation that it came from the lab.
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Sounds like they got some 'splainin to do
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My son is really proud of how many animals he knows about, even some that aren’t widely know about with adults. So he was like “I bet you don’t know what a pangolin is, daddy” I was like yes! I do. Because I read about it in a coronavirus article.
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This article makes a very compelling case that it was a lab-accident, and that COVID-19 was probably engineered by scientists who wanted to research vaccines.
lab accidents are horrifying common.
we perform dangerous research anyway, because we want to get ahead of bioweapons and ‘emerging’ threats.
the closest known-relative RaTG13, happens to reside in the Wuhan lab, it would otherwise have to travel a thousand miles.
the mutation to get from harmless RaTG13 to super-infectious COVID-19, a sequence of 4-amino acids, are very unlikely to have naturally evolved simultaneously, but is something we could do in a lab.
a few year ago, the chinese scientist at the lab in Wuhan sent a scientist at UNC a bat virus spike protein, and our guy stuck it to a human SARS virus and used it to infect human lung cells in mice, all just to prove that coronaviruses scary.
Any evidence of what the lab was doing has been buried.
The lab is part of the international community, sharing all their work and all their findings, except we keep finding very key details that actually haven’t been shared or published and were perhaps lied about.
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Honestly this is horrifying.
It’s like we dropped a nuke on ourselves.
At least now we have another explanation to the Fermi Paradox
Sure but now we can explain that we’re idiots!
I’m starting to feel bad for the
With the WSJ publishing their story, seems like everyone is now jumping on the lab possibility bandwagon.
I don’t feel like that WSJ report really adds much credit to the Lab origin story. R news is blowing up with ‘I told you so!’, but I am still very skeptical.
Not like china is ever going to come out and say ‘oops, our bad’ or allow an international investigation to uncover some smoking gun. So we will really just never know.
there is some ‘smoke there is fire’ here, but thats the extent of it.
I started a thread in political, since the theory itself is extremely political.
I think everyone agrees, there will probably be no smoking gun. I think it’s possible that the scientific community will become increasingly certain of the lab escape, but time and plausible deniability will keep things the same.
Natural virus being studied in the lab got out. Not a genetically altered virus, and certainly not released on purpose.
That’s my best guess, at least.
Obviously we dont have much evidence proving one way or another, but there are millions of bats and millions of viruses in the wild. There are so many chances for these types of zoonotic viruses to form that the odds are that COVID came from nature, but there is still a real possibility of a lab leak.