When people (or others) do awesome things for kids (or others) and I say, "WTG!"

From the tweeter:

text & pic of bird

In 2008, a Quaker parrot named Willie alerted his owner, Megan Howard, that a toddler she was babysitting started choking on her breakfast.

When 2-year-old Hannah began to turn blue, the bird squawked loudly to get Megan’s attention. Then he started saying ‘Mama baby’ repeatedly.

Megan hurried to Hannah and performed the Heimlich maneuver, ultimately saving her life.

Megan later expressed that if Willie hadn’t alerted her, she might not have come out of the bathroom in time, as the child was already turning blue.

For saving the child’s life, Willie was awarded the local Red Cross chapter’s Animal Lifesaver Award.


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I had also read it as the great philosopher Dogrates and refuse to acknowledge that underscore.

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Dogrates in action:

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WTG, Santa!

link to text



Engineers at Scewo built a wheelchair that can go up/down stairs, Mark Rober tricked it out so that it does all sorts of neat stuff, and then gave it to a really cool kid:

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