Super senior level mid 40s-50s female actuary say “Let me know if you need me!” to her male (mid 50s-60s) boss. Then she laughs and says “I didn’t mean it like that, I didn’t mean it like that!” Male boss smiles and says “I’m leaving!”
Yeah, i think there is context and tone of voice missing in this whole exchange.
“Let me know if you need me” is a common and benign comment. I would think nothing of it. Why did she then talk in circles? Did he leer? Did she hope he was leering? Is there something else going on?
The woman’s comment is a little weird and awkward. The man seems to be trying to defuse an awkward situation. I consider myself a feminist.
The type who’d say jokey things that would make you think there was a possibility leering was going on, or whatever else other posters guessed. I did hear the tones but it’s hard to convey them. I didn’t see expressions other than the last bit - wasn’t looking in that direction at first.
A situation where a subordinate is sleeping with their boss is NOT good for team morale. Especially if one or both of them is married and the relationship is an affair.
Or was she emphasizing “need” as in “call me if you really really really need me, but… please don’t call me unless it’s an absolute emergency” ?
Because that’s not really awkward or weird, unless she meant it that way and then it accidentally came across as flirty when that wasn’t intended. Which is instant-awkward.
I think it’s so hard for us to tell the tone that it’s hard to interpret.
The second comment came across as flirting. The first comment could have just been left as is, acknowledging that I didn’t see their expressions, so maybe there was something off about someone’s expression at that point.
It didn’t sound like she was trying to conceal anything… it was a bit demoralizing, not so much immediately, but when it became clear from the guys around her that the expectations were that women should act this way.